
Menlo Regular font, with added goodness like Powerline and FontAwesome.



Menlo Regular, patched to support glyphs from FontAwesome, Powerline, Octicons and more.


As I found, everyone else uses Meslo - customized version of Menlo with 'fixed' verical line spacing and changes baseline alignment of asterisk.

As for me, I like original Menlo spacings and aligns, so I decided to stick with original Menlo, but to patch it to add support for glyphs and icons from other modern and popular libs/collections.

Used icons/collections

  • Font Awesome (+ andrelzgava/font-awesome-extension)
  • Material Design Icons
  • Octicons
  • Powerline (inc. ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols)
  • Pomicon
  • Weather Icons
  • IEC Power Symbols
  • Font Linux

Who is who (versions)

  • *-Full - version with all icons and glyphs.
  • *-Normal - version with added powerline(with ext), font awesome(with ext) and octicons.
  • *-FullV2 - same version as *-Full, but with aligned powerline glyphs.
  • *-NormalV2 - same version as *-Normal, but with aligned powerline glyphs.
  • *-Mono - same version, but in monospace variant (with single-width glyphs).

Can I preview these glyphs in app like Symbols Viewer?

I guess you can't. These glyphs placed in Private Use Area (starting from U+E000) and Symbols Viewer cannot show them. On OS X, use Font Book.app.

Also, you can use helper scripts from here to test glyphs in terminal.