
A Very Simple Example of a Koseu LMS Instance

Primary LanguagePHP


A Very Simple Example of a Koseu LMS Instance

Setup On Localhost

Here are the steps to set this up on localhost on a Macintosh using MAMP.

Install MAMP (or similar) using https://www.py4e.com/install.php

Fork the skeleton repo and rename it to something meaningful in your own repo.


Then check out your forked copy:

cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs
git clone https://github.com/csev/scc-chem-309.git

Go into the newly checked out folder and get a copy of Tsugi:

cd scc-chem-309
git clone https://github.com/tsugiproject/tsugi.git

Create a database in your SQL server:

GRANT ALL ON tsugi.* TO 'ltiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ltipassword';
GRANT ALL ON tsugi.* TO 'ltiuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'ltipassword';

Still in the tsugi folder set up config.php:

cp config-dist.php config.php

Edit the config.php file, scroll through and set up all the variables. As you scroll through the file some of the following values are the values I use on my MAMP:

$apphome = "http://localhost:8888/scc-chem-309";


$CFG->pdo = 'mysql:host=;port=8889;dbname=tsugi'; // MAMP
$CFG->dbuser    = 'ltiuser';
$CFG->dbpass    = 'ltipassword';


$CFG->adminpw = 'short';  // Make this better


$CFG->context_title = "Chemistry 360";
$CFG->lessons = $CFG->dirroot.'/../lessons.json';


$CFG->tool_folders = array("admin", "../tools", "../mod");
$CFG->install_folder = $CFG->dirroot.'./../mod'; // Tsugi as a store


$CFG->servicename = 'CEM360';

Setting up Login

Then go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials and create an "OAuth Client ID". Make it a "Web Application", give it a name, put the following into "Authorized JavaScript Origins":


And this into Authorized redirect URIs:


Note: You do not need port numbers for either of these values in your Google configuration.

Google will give you a 'client ID' and 'client secret', add them to config.php as follows:

$CFG->google_client_id = '96..snip..oogleusercontent.com';
$CFG->google_client_secret = 'R6..snip..29a';

While you are there, you could "Create credentials", select "API key", and name the key "My Google MAP API Key" and put the API key into config.php like the following:

$CFG->google_map_api_key = 'AIza..snip..9e8';

Starting the Application

After the above configuration is done, navigate to your application:


It should complain that you have not created tables and suggest you use the Admin console to do that:


It will demand the $CFG->adminpw from config.php (above) before unlocking the admin console. Run the "Upgrade Database" option and it should create lots of tables in the database and the red warning message about bad database, should go away.

Got into the database and the lti_key table, find the row with the key_key of google.com and put a value in the secret column - anything will do - just don't leave it empty or the internal LTI tools will not launch.

Next use the administrator interface to install the peer-grading tool from the github repository:


Click on "Available Modules" and install https://github.com/tsugitools/peer-grade