
[RA-L] BoW3D: Bag of Words for Real-Time Loop Closing in 3D LiDAR SLAM.

Primary LanguageC++


BoW3D is developed for the real-time loop closing in 3D LiDAR SLAM. It builds the bag of words for the LinK3D Feature (PDF), which is an efficient and robust 3D LiDAR point cloud feature. BoW3D is able to detect loops and correct the full 6-DoF loop relative pose for the subsequent pose graph optimization in real time. It also can be used to relocalize the 3D LiDAR in real time. We provide an example to run BoW3D on the KITTI dataset. For more details about BoW3D, please refer to our paper "BoW3D: Bag of Words for Real-Time Loop Closing in 3D LiDAR SLAM" in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) (PDF).

Alt text Fig1. The hash table is used as the overall data structure. The word of BoW3D consists of the non-zero value (Dim-value) in the descriptor and the corresponding dimension (Dim-ID). Each word corresponds to a place set, in which the word has appeared. The place also consists of two parts, one is frame ID, the other is the descriptor ID in the frame.

Alt text Fig2. The recognition results based on BoW3D and the matching results based on LinK3D on loops with different directions.

1. Publication

If you use the code in an academic work, please cite:

  author={Cui, Yunge and Chen, Xieyuanli and Zhang, Yinlong and Dong, Jiahua and Wu, Qingxiao and Zhu, Feng},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={BoW3D: Bag of Words for Real-Time Loop Closing in 3D LiDAR SLAM}, 

2. Prerequisites

We have tested the library in Ubuntu 16.04, but it should be easy to compile in other platforms. A computer with an Intel Core i7 will ensure the real-time performance and provide stable and accurate results.

3. Compile and run the package

Before compile the package, in the main function of Example.cpp file, you should replace the dataset path with the file path in your computer.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/YungeCui/BoW3D/
cd ..
catkin_make -j8
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun BoW3D bow3d