
This repository is going to use TensorFlow to train the MNIST network.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TensorFlow MNIST

This repository is going to use TensorFlow to train the MNIST network.

File Structure

    |--- out/                       # For the ouput files
    |--- src/                       # Source code are in this directory
        |--- mnist_fully.py         # 2-Hidden Layer Fully Connected NN with TensorFlow
        |--- mnist_fully_model.py   # Add save and restore in mnist_fully.py
    |--- README.md      
    |--- LICENSE
    |--- .gitignore     


The following instructions are for installing on Ubuntu Linux 16.04


TensorFlow is tested and supported on the following 64-bit systems:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 or later
  • Windows 7 or later
  • macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or later (no GPU support)
  • Raspbian 9.0 or later
  1. Install TensorFlow

    For Python 2.7, you can follow the instructions here.

    • Prerequisite (for Python 3 (Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6))
      # Check if your Python environment is already configured
      $ python3 --version
      $ pip3 --version
      $ virtualenv --version
      # If the above packages are already installed, skip to the next step
      $ sudo apt-get update
      $ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip
      # Install for system-wide
      $ sudo pip3 install -U virtualenv
    • Create a virtual environment (recommended)
      # Create a new vitrual environment by choosing a Python interpreter and making a ./env directory to hold it
      $ virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv
      # Activate the virtual environement using a shell-specific command (e.g., sg, bash, etc.)
      $ source ./venv/bin/activate
      # When virtualenv is active, your shell prompt is prefixed with (venv).
      (venv) $
      # Install packages within a virtual environment without affecting the host system setup. Start by upgrading pip:
      (venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
      # Show packages installed within the virtual environment
      (venv) $ pip list
      # To exit virtualenv later
      (venv) $ deactivate
    • Install TensorFlow with Python's pip package manager
      # Current release for GPU-only (Python 2.7)
      (venv) $ pip install --upgrade tensorflow
      # GPU package for CUDA-enabled GPU cards (Python 2.7)
      (venv) $ pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu
  2. Run the example program hello.py
    # Make sure your current directory is src/
    (venv) $ python hello.py
    b'Hello, TensorFlow!'


  • ./src/mnist_fully.py
    $ python mnist_fully.py
    2018-12-11 18:57:18.102112: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
    Step 1, Minibatch Loss= 8470.1895, Training Accuracy= 0.328
    Step 100, Minibatch Loss= 250.3591, Training Accuracy= 0.875
    Step 200, Minibatch Loss= 173.7493, Training Accuracy= 0.828
    Step 300, Minibatch Loss= 155.4185, Training Accuracy= 0.820
    Step 400, Minibatch Loss= 81.8946, Training Accuracy= 0.859
    Step 500, Minibatch Loss= 18.5791, Training Accuracy= 0.938
    Optimization Finished!
    Testing Accuracy: 0.8563
  • ./src/mnist_fully_model.py
    $ python mnist_fully_model.py
    2018-12-11 19:18:36.799674: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
    Step 1, Minibatch Loss= 9184.1309, Training Accuracy= 0.391
    Step 100, Minibatch Loss= 365.5018, Training Accuracy= 0.852
    Step 200, Minibatch Loss= 153.3021, Training Accuracy= 0.820
    Step 300, Minibatch Loss= 24.0616, Training Accuracy= 0.898
    Step 400, Minibatch Loss= 56.0503, Training Accuracy= 0.875
    Step 500, Minibatch Loss= 74.1631, Training Accuracy= 0.844
    Optimization Finished!
    Model saved in file: /tmp/model.ckpt
    Model restored from file: /tmp/model.ckpt
    Testing Accuracy: 0.8559
  • ./src/mnist_fully_input.py
    $ python mnist_fully_input.py
    2018-12-11 19:25:24.784290: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
    Model restored from file: /tmp/model.ckpt
    Answer: [7 2 1 ..., 4 5 6]



Apache License 2.0