
Web Programming coursework. Wedding venue planner.

Primary LanguagePHP

Web programming Year 1 Coursework

Task breakdown

Task 1

Write a php script (catering.php) to produce an html page as result which contains a table of catering costs based on the input of 7 values as follows:

  • min, max (party size, can assume they are multiples of 5)
  • c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 (the cost per person of 5 grades of catering) The finished table will have rows headed by min to max (incremented in steps of 5) and columns headed by c1 to c5.

Task 2

Write a php script (capacity.php) to list (in an HTML table) the names and venue prices of licensed venues within a minimum and maximum capacity (inclusive).

Task 3

Write a php script (count.php) to list (in an HTML table) the name of venues and their number of bookings in the given month sorted descending by the number of bookings.

Task 4

Design your own webpage (must start from wedding.php) to find suitable wedding venue(s) based on date, party size and catering grade provided by users

Here are some screenshots of the website built:



Form submission

