
Daylight plugin for Homebridge

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Daylight plugin for Homebridge that publishes a HomeKit accessory that emits an approximation of the expected amount of daylight according to the sunrise and sunset schedule for the configured location.

Time Period Current Light Level
Before Sunrise 0.0001lux
During Sunrise 0.0001lux to 100000.000lux (gradual)
Between Sunrise & Sunset 100000.000lux
During Sunset 100000.000lux to 0.0001lux (gradual)
After Sunset 0.0001lux

This is intended for use in triggering scenes using sunrise and sunset.


  1. Install Homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
  2. Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-daylight
  3. Use the Google Geocoder Tool to get your location coordinates.
  4. Update your Homebridge config.json using the sample below.


  "accessory": "Daylight",
  "location": {
    "lat": 37.3316936,
    "lng": -122.0302191
  "name": "Daylight Sensor"


  • accessory must be "Daylight" (required).
  • location contains your location coordinates (required).
  • name is the name of the published accessory (required).