
irr-npv modules for javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Node JS modules for calculating net present value and internal return rate of a series. Install it with npm install irr-npv Just require var irrnpv = require('irr-npv')

How to use

Present Value

var future_value = 40000
var rate = 0.01
var nYears = 2
var pv = irrnpv.pv(future_value,rate,nYears)

It will calculate present value of future value after (n) years with a rate specified

Net Present Value

var moneys = [5000,3000]
var rate = 0.01
var npv = irrnpv.npv(moneys,rate)

It will calculate net present value of a series values with a rate specified

Internal Return Rate

var moneys = [-1000,1000,1000]
var irr = irrnpv.irr(moneys)

It will calculate whats the closest value of internal return rate betweem -1.0 to 1.0

Next Development

Feel free to fork and make a pull request, or contact me