
This is the approach to the kaggle competition Swiss Dialect Identication from:

  • Iuliia Nigmatulina
  • Elias Bernhaut
  • Li Tang.

We used 2-6 character n-grams up to word boundaries as features and reduced the set of the used n-grams to the ones which mean the most to the classification.

As a classifier, we made out MLP as the best classifier for this case, although the Support Vector Machines and Random Forest Classifier were also taken into consideration.

Run it

For running a classification you have to first train and then predict the dataset. This can be simply done by using the predefined shell-script as follows:

sh mlp

You give as the argument the classifier which you want to use for the prediction. This call will save a submission as to_upload.csv into the current directory. This file can be used for the upload to kaggle.


Split the training set!

Before you can perform an evaluation, you have to split the training set (train.csv). For this, you can simply run the file


This will create 3 files:

  • validation_result.csv - Holds the real classes (Same layout as a submission)
  • validation_test.csv - Holds the test set together with the real classes for proper evaluation
  • validation_train.csv - Holds the training data

The train.csv set was split 80/20%, so the validation_train.csv set holds 80% of the previous train.csv set, the validation_test.csv holds 20% of it.


If you only want to evaluate the prediction, you can use the shell script

sh mlp

which will train on the validation_train.csv set and evaluate on the validation_test.csv set.