
A simple JavaScript based programming language

Primary LanguageC#


EasyScript is a simple JavaScript based programming language for beginners which is created by Yunis Huseynzade. JavaScript,C#,HTML and CSS has used for this project. Core of library has written in JavaScript . But UI and some little functions written in C# . HTML and CSS is used for visual output .

Hello World

write("Hello World!!!");
writeln("Hello World!!!");

Basic Syntax

Syntax of EasyScript is not hard to learn . Mostly looks like JavaScript. Example:

function hello(a,b){
        msbox("Hello. You had entered "+a+" and "+b);

Objects , functions and methods

msbox() function

msbox() function shows a message box on the screen. There is only one parameter : text

text - accepts string.Example "Hello World!!!"

msbox("Test"); //Show an alert which has "Test"text

getDate() function

getDate() function returns current date

//We will accept default date as 21 October 2019
writeln(getDate()); //Output: 21/10/2019

There are two optional parameters : format and seperator

format - accepts string . Example: "dmy".
You can use y (year) , m (month) , d (day) , w (day of week with an integer) letters for this parameter. Example "dmy" means day,month,year.

writeln(getDate("mdy")); //Output: 10/21/2019
//or you can get only one date
writeln(getDate("y"));   //Output: 2019

seperator - accept string . Example: "/".

writeln(getDate("dmy",":")); //Output: 21:10:2019

math object

With math object you can...

...get value of pi
writeln(math.PI); //Output: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

writeln(math.pi); //Output: 3.14
...find factorial
writeln(math.factorial(5)); //Output: 120
writeln(math.power(2,3)); //Output: 8
...find square root
writeln(math.sqrt(4));  //Output: 2
...get value of sin,cos,tg,ctg
writeln(math.sin(45));  //Output: 0.8509035245341184
writeln(math.cos(45));  //Output: 0.5253219888177297
writeln(math.tg(45));   //Output: 1.6197751905438615
writeln(math.ctg(45));  //Output: 0.6173696237835551

style object

setBack() method

You can change background of output with this function

style.setBack("blue"); // to set background to blue