StackOverflow clone

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This is a demo of my skills as a Ruby on Rails developer. This app can be viewed in action at

Some hilights of this project:

  1. All user stories are delivered using BDD and can be seen in Issues.
  2. Styles by Twitter Bootstrap.
  3. Posting answers via AJAX with .js.erb views.
  4. Posting comments via AJAX and JSON with jQuery handlers and Handlebars templates.
  5. Comments propagation via Comet with Private Pub / Faye.
  6. Custom RSpec matcher for Rais delegate.
  7. Tagging questions via Select2 jQuery plugin.
  8. Database query optimizations via includes, counter_cache, connection.select_all.
  9. File uploads via CarrierWave.
  10. Service classes for multi-model use cases and other not related directly to model logic.
  11. Models decoration with Draper.
  12. OAuth 2 authentication with Facebook and GitHub.
  13. Redcarpet for markdown render.
  14. CanCanCan for authorization.
  15. API, OAuth 2 authenticated with Doorkeeper and powered by optimized JSON.
  16. API request rate limiting with Redis Throttle Middleware.
  17. New answers notification via email with Sidekiq.
  18. Daily questions digest via email for all users with Sidetiq.
  19. Fulltext search with Thinking Sphinx / Sphinx.

by Sergey Zyablitsky