[AAAI 2023] Unlabeled Imperfect Demonstrations in Adversarial Imitation Learning

Primary LanguagePython

Unlabeled Imperfect Demonstrations in Adversarial Imitation Learning

This repository contains the PyTorch code for the paper "Unlabeled Imperfect Demonstrations in Adversarial Imitation Learning" in AAAI 2023. [Paper][Appendix]


Experiments were run with Python 3.6 and these packages:

  • pytorch == 1.1.0
  • gym == 0.15.7
  • mujoco-py ==

Data Collection

We provide two different kinds of imperfect demonstrations data (i.e., D1 and D2) to evaluate the performance of UID. We firstly train an optimal policy $\pi_o$ by TRPO and $\pi_o$ is used to sample optimal demonstrations $D_o$. To collect imperfect demonstrations, 3 non-optimal demonstrators $\pi_n$ are used. $\pi_n$ in D1 is obtained by saving 3 checkpoints with increasing quality during the RL training. In D2, we add different Gaussian noise $\xi$ to the action distribution $a^\ast$ of $\pi_o$ to form non-optimal policy $\pi_n$. The action of $\pi_n$ is modeled as $a\sim\mathcal{N}(a^\ast, \xi^2)$ and we choose $\xi=[0.25, 0.4, 0.6]$ in these 3 non-optimal policies (i.e., $\pi_{n_3}$, $\pi_{n_2}$ and $\pi_{n_1}$).

The quality of each demonstrator is provided in the appendix.

Train UID

 python uid_main.py --env_id 1/2/3 --il_method uid/uidwail --c_data 1/2 --seed 0/1/2/3/4
 python uid_main.py --env_id 1/2/3 --il_method gail/irl/vail --c_data 1/2 --seed 0/1/2/3/4
 python uid_main.py --env_id 1/2/3 --il_method iwil/icgail --c_data 1/2 --seed 0/1/2/3/4

For other compared methods, the re-implementation of T-REX/D-REX can be found in trex_main.py.


For any questions, please feel free to contact me. (Email: yunke.wang@whu.edu.cn)


  title={Unlabeled imperfect demonstrations in adversarial imitation learning},
  author={Wang, Yunke and Du, Bo and Xu, Chang},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},


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