Bamboo Genome Sequencing Project (BGSP) is focused on the sequencing of 11 bamboo genomes. This repository is currently being developed and houses workflows and scripts that are utilized for the identification and comparative analysis of bamboo subgenomes.
- Peng-Fei Ma, Yun-Long Liu, Cen Guo, Guihua Jin, Zhen-Hua Guo, Ling Mao, Yi-Zhou Yang, Liang-Zhong Niu, Yu-Jiao Wang, Lynn G. Clark, Elizabeth A. Kellogg, Zu-Chang Xu, Xia-Ying Ye, Jing-Xia Liu, Meng-Yuan Zhou, Yan Luo, Yang Yang, Douglas E. Soltis, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Pamela S. Soltis, De-Zhu Li. (2024). Genome assemblies of 11 bamboo species highlight diversification induced by dynamic subgenome dominance. Nature Genetics. 10.1038/s41588-024-01683-0
- Yun-Long Liu, Shu-Yang Gao, Guihua Jin, Meng-yuan Zhou, Qijuan Gao, Cen Guo, Yi-Zhou Yang, Liang-Zhong Niu, Enhua Xia, Zhen-Hua Guo, Peng-Fei Ma, De-Zhu Li. BambooBase:A comprehensive database of bamboo omics and systematics. Molecular Plant. 10.1016/j.molp.2024.02.017.
- Dependencies: JCVI v1.1.17, bedtools.
- Input files:
:SpeciesID - Script:
- Usage:
bash Alu 2 1
python -m jcvi.compara.catalog ortholog --quota=$a:$b $sp Osa --no_strip_names
python -m jcvi.compara.synteny mcscan --iter=1 $sp.bed $sp.Osa.anchors -o $sp.Osa.blocks
cat $sp.Osa.blocks|sort -k2|groupBy -g 2 -c 1,1 -o count,distinct|awk -v num=$a '{ if( $2==num) print $0}'|cut -f 1,3 |sed -e 's/,/\t/g' >$sp.block
After running for all species, use the following command to reconstruct "perfect-copy" syntenic gene data set for all species
python -m jcvi.formats.base join $sp.block >perfect-copy_syntenic_gene.txt
Reconstruction of single "perfect-copy" gene matrix and concatenated supermatrix for each syntenic block
- Dependencies:
- Input files:
- Script:
- Usage:
- Input files:
- Dependencies: PAML v4.9
- Usage:
mcmctree 11bg_mcmctree.ctl
- Input files:
- Dependencies: PhyloNet_3.8.0
- Usage:
java -Xmx70g -jar $PHYLONET PhyloNet_3.8.0.jar InferNetwork_MPL_430gene_r2.nex
- Dependencies: newick_utils
- Input files:
- Script:
- Usage:
nw_reroot 11bg_430gene.tre osa > 11bg_430gene_reroot.tre
nw_condense 11bg_430gene_reroot.tre > 11bg_430gene_reroot_condense.tre
nw_topology 11bg_430gene_reroot_condense.tre > 11bg_430gene_reroot_condense_topology.tre
nw_order 11bg_430gene_reroot_condense_topology.tre |sort|groupBy -g 1 -c 1 -o count
Dependencies: R v4.1.2
Normalization of relative expression levels of the A, B, and C subgenomes
awk '{if(($2+$3+$4) >=0.5)print $1, $2/($2+$3+$4), $3/($2+$3+$4), $4/($2+$3+$4)}' ABC_111_TPM.csv >TPM_logTPM_normolized.txt
- Definition of homoeologous expression bias categories for Normalization of relative expression (with M. baccifera as example).
#R version 4.1.2
data=read.csv("TPM_logTPM_normolized.txt",header=F, sep="\t",row.names = 1)
dist=as.matrix(dist(data[,1:3],method = "euclidean"))[,1:7]
write.table(t(dist),file="dist", quote=F)
for i in {9..3518};do awk '{print $"'${i}'", $1}' dist |sort -n |head -1 ;done > dist_category.csv
- Plot the ternary diagrams using the R package ggtern
#R version 4.1.2
ggtern(data=data,aes(x=A,y=B,z=C,color=Group ) ) + theme_rgbw() + geom_point(aes(fill=Group),size=1,shape=21)
To address the challenge of multiple gene copies in polyploids on identifying PSGs, we used a subgenome-based approach. Using rice and two HB species as outgroups, we assembled nine datasets at the subgenome level:
(I) PWB-subA, (Osa, ((Ola, Rgu),(MbaA, (DsiA, BamA)) #1));
(II) PWB-subB, (Osa, ((Ola, Rgu), (MbaB, (DsiB,BamB)) #1));
(III) PWB-subC, (Osa, ((Ola, Rgu), (MbaC, (DsiC, BamC)) #1));
(IV) NWB_subB, (Osa, ((Ola, Rgu), (RhiB, (GanB, OglB)) #1));
(V) NWB_subC, (Osa,((Ola, Rgu), (RraC, (OglC, GanC)) #1));
(VI) TWB_subC, (Osa, ((Ola, Rgu), (AluC,(PedC, HcaC)) #1));
(VII) TWB_subD, (Osa, ((Ola, Rgu), (AluD, (PedD, HcaD)) #1));
(VIII) the subB lineage, (Osa, ((((DsiB, BamB), MbaB), ((GanB, OglB), RraB)) #1, (Rgu,Ola)));
(IX) the subC lineage, (Osa, ((Ola, Rgu), (((HcaC, PedC), AluC), ((MbaC, (DsiC, BamC)), (RraC, (OglC, GanC)))) #1)).
- Dependencies: callCodeml2
python3 single_anligment singall.tre
awk '{if($7<=0.05)print $1}' result.tsv > PWB_subA_PSG_OG
The P value was determined by a Chi-square test with a cutoff of <0.05 for positive selection
- Dependencies: OrthoFinder v2.5.272
OrthoFinder was used to cluster gene families, and we classified genes into different age groups with the oldest gene representing the age of the gene
This project is licensed under the MIT License.