
A library to create token and save associated session data in redis easily.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A library to create token and save associated session data in redis easily.

1. Install

npm install session-token --save

2. How to use

First, you should have a redis server, because SessionToken save all the token data in redis. And then you can create a SessionToken object.

const SessionToken = require('session-token');
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const async = require('neo-async');
const redisClient = new Redis();//connect to the redis server of localhost:6379
const redisSub = new Redis();//the redis client for subscribe
const sessionToken = new SessionToken({
    expireTime:7200,//the time of seconds before the session data expired
    redisKeyPrefix:'myprefix:mytoken:',//the redis key's prefix
    redis:redisClient,//the redis client used to save session data
    subRedis:redisSub,//The subscribe redis client to receive delete operation
    maxSize:1000000,// The max size of the cache in memory.

code 2.1

After creating the object of SessionToken, you can generate token and it will save the session data to the reids.

let token = null;
    function(next) {
        sessionToken.generate({name:'sunny',id:1},function(err,tokenViaCreate) {//save session
            if (err) {
                return console.error(err);
            token = tokenViaCreate;
    function(next) {
        sessionToken.get(token,function(err,data) {//get session data via token
            if (err) {
                return console.error(err);

3. Api

See here.

4. License