
[NeurIPS-2023] Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness of
Large Vision-Language Models

[Project Page] | [Slides] | [arXiv] | [Data Repository


In this research, we evaluate the adversarial robustness of recent large vision-language (generative) models (VLMs), under the most realistic and challenging setting with threat model of black-box access and targeted goal.

Our proposed method aims for the targeted response generation over large VLMs such as MiniGPT-4, LLaVA, Unidiffuser, BLIP/2, Img2Prompt, etc.

In other words, we mislead and let the VLMs say what you want, regardless of the content of the input image query.

Teaser image Teaser image


  • Platform: Linux
  • Hardware: A100 PCIe 40G
  • lmdb, tqdm
  • wandb, torchvision, etc.

In our work, we used DALL-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion for the target image generation and demonstration. For the large-scale experiments, we apply Stable Diffusion for target image generation. To install Stable Diffusion, we init our conda environment following Latent Diffusion Models. A suitable base conda environment named ldm can be created and activated with:

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate ldm

Note that for different victim models, we will follow their official implementations and conda environments.

Targeted Image Generation

Teaser image As discussed in our paper, to achieve a flexible targeted attack, we leverage a pretrained text-to-image model to generate an targetd image given a single caption as the targeted text. Consequently, in this way you can specify the targeted caption for attack by yourself!

We use Stable Diffusion, DALL-E or Midjourney as the text-to-image generators in our experiments. Here, we use Stable Diffusion for demonstration (thanks for open-sourcing!).

Prepare the scripts

git clone https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion.git
cd stable-diffusion

then, prepare the full targeted captions from MS-COCO, or download our processed and cleaned version:


and move it to ./stable-diffusion/. In experiments, one can randomly sample a subset of COCO captions (e.g., 10, 100, 1K, 10K, 50K) for the adversarial attack. For example, lets assume we have randomly sampled 10K COCO captions as our targeted text c_tar and stored them in the following file:


Generate the targeted images

The targeted images h_ξ(c_tar) can be obtained via Stable Diffusion by reading text prompt from the sampled COCO captions, with the script below and txt2img_coco.py (please move txt2img_coco.py to ./stable-diffusion/, note that hyperparameters can be adjusted with your preference):

python txt2img_coco.py \
        --ddim_eta 0.0 \
        --n_samples 10 \
        --n_iter 1 \
        --scale 7.5 \
        --ddim_steps 50 \
        --plms \
        --skip_grid \
        --ckpt ./_model_pool/sd-v1-4-full-ema.ckpt \
        --from-file './name_of_your_coco_captions_file.txt' \
        --outdir './path_of_your_targeted_images' \

where the ckpt is provided by Stable Diffusion v1 and can be downloaded here: sd-v1-4-full-ema.ckpt.

Additional implementation details of text-to-image generation by Stable Diffusion can be found HERE.

Adversarial Attack & Black-box Query

Overview of our AttackVLM strategy

Teaser image

Prepare the VLM scripts

There are two steps of adversarial attack for VLMs: (1) transfer-based attacking strategy and (2) query-based attacking strategy using (1) as initialization. For BLIP/BLIP-2/Img2Prompt Models, please refer to ./LAVIS_tool. Here, we use Unidiffuser for an example.

Example: Unidiffuser

  • Installation
git clone https://github.com/thu-ml/unidiffuser.git
cd unidiffuser
cp ../unidff_tool/* ./

then, create a suitable conda environment named unidiffuser following the steps HERE, and prepare the corresponding model weights (we use uvit_v1.pth as the weight of U-ViT).

  • Transfer-based attacking strategy
conda activate unidiffuser

bash _train_adv_img_trans.sh

the crafted adv images x_trans will be stored in dir of white-box transfer images specified in --output. Then, we perform image-to-text and store the generated response of x_trans. This can be achieved by:

python _eval_i2t_dataset.py \
        --batch_size 100 \
        --mode i2t \
        --img_path 'dir of white-box transfer images' \
        --output 'dir of white-box transfer captions' \

where the generated responses will be stored in dir of white-box transfer captions in .txt format. We will use them for pseudo-gradient estimation via RGF-estimator.

  • Query-based attacking strategy (via RGF-estimator): assume we use fixed perturbation budget for MF-ii + MF-tt (e.g., 8 px)
bash _train_trans_and_query_fixed_budget.sh

On the other hand, if you want to conduct transfer+query - based attack with separate perturbation budget, we additionally provide a script:

bash _train_trans_and_query_more_budget.sh


Here, we use wandb to dynamically monitor the moving average of the CLIP score (e.g., RN50, ViT-B/32, ViT-L/14, etc.) to evaluate the similarity between (a) the generated response (of trans/query images) and (b) the predefined targeted text c_tar.

An example shown as below, where the dotted line denotes the moving average of the CLIP score (of image captions) after query: Teaser image

Meanwhile, the image caption after query will be stored and the directory can be specified by --output.


If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness of Large Vision-Language Models},
  author={Zhao, Yunqing and Pang, Tianyu and Du, Chao and Yang, Xiao and Li, Chongxuan and Cheung, Ngai-Man and Lin, Min},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

Meanwhile, a relevant research that aims to Embedding a Watermark to (multi-modal) Diffusion Models:

  title={A Recipe for Watermarking Diffusion Models},
  author={Zhao, Yunqing and Pang, Tianyu and Du, Chao and Yang, Xiao and Cheung, Ngai-Man and Lin, Min},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10137},


We appreciate the wonderful base implementation of MiniGPT-4, LLaVA, Unidiffuser, LAVIS and CLIP. We also thank @MetaAI for open-sourcing their LLaMA checkponts. We thank SiSi for providing some enjoyable and visual-pleasant images generated by @Midjourney in our research.