A Flutter health app that connects (fake) laboratory results from Cloud Firestore to a healthcare focused visualization.
Example code as given for the UT Austin AI Health Spring 2020 course
Labs displayed are:
- complete blood count (CBC)
- basic metabolic panel (BMP)
Within each lab, only a few results are shown. These are:
Abbr | Name | Type |
wbc | White blood cell count | double |
hb | Hemoglobin | double |
hct | Hematocrit | double |
plt | Platelets | int |
Abbr | Name | Type |
na | Sodium + | int |
k | Potassium + | double |
cl | Chloride - | int |
co2 | Bicarbonate - | int |
bun | Blood urea nitrogen | int |
creat | Creatinine | double |
glc | Glucose | int |
- 101
- 102
- 103
Watch the video (link to be provided). In GitHub, the master branch corresponds to the final product. Branches also exist for the app as generated during 101 and 102 segments of this lecture.
Note that if you clone this repository, you will want to
- Customize the package name to your own
- Create your own Firebase repository, taking the relevant steps to setup secure rules for your new database
- Follow the relevant Platform-specific device configuration to add
to your app - If this is an open-source project, add
to your.gitignore