SenX Experiments

Contains setup and results from running SenX on the VulnLoc benchmark.


Vulnerability details are in the file meta-data.

Details for each vulnerability

For each vulnerability, its directory contains script for setting up and running SenX on it.

  • script to download and build the vulnerable program to run with SenX.
  • script to do preparation and run SenX.
  • exploit: exploit input to trigger the vulnerability.
  • dev.patch: developer patch for reference.
  • script to download and build the vulnerable program with sanitizers. The sanitizers are used as oracles to turn the vulnerability into a crash and thus determine whether the vulnerability is still present.

Results for each vulnerability

Results for each vulnerability are stored in the results-N directories in each of the vulnerability directory. The larger N is, the more recent the results are. Therefore, please refer to the directories with the largest N for the latest result. In the result-N directory, there are a few files:

  • analyze.err: error log from running analyze_bc (a pre-step for SenX).
  • senx.err: error log from running senx itself.
  • *.patch (optional): the patch file produced by SenX (if a patch is successfully generated).

Results summary

The results of running SenX are summarized in the following table. SenX currently supports buffer overflows, bad casts, and integer overflows. Vulnerabilities that are not of these types are marked with Not Applicable.

For the other vulnerabilities, if there is a patch file generated, the column Patch generated? is marked as Yes; otherwise, it is marked with No. For those with a patch file generated, the patch file is further examined by applying it on the vulnerable program, compiling the patched program, and run the patched program with the exploit input. If the patched program does not exhibit the vulnerability with the exploit input, the volumn Patch correct? is marked as Correct. Otherwise, if compilation fails after applying the patch, it is marked as Wrong (cannot compile); if compilation succeeds but the vulnerability is still present with the exploit input, it is marked as Wrong (exploit sstill fail).

Bug ID Program Vulnerability Patch generated? Patch correct?
1 binutils cve_2017_6965 No -
2 binutils cve_2017_14745 No -
3 binutils cve_2017_15020 No -
4 binutils cve_2017_15025 Not applicable Not applicable
5 coreutils gnubug_19784 No -
6 coreutils gnubug_25003 No -
7 coreutils gnubug_25023 No -
8 coreutils gnubug_26545 No -
9 jasper cve_2016_8691 Not applicable Not applicable
10 jasper cve_2016_9557 No -
11 libarchive cve_2016_5844 Yes Wrong (cannot compile)
12 libjpeg cve_2012_2806 No -
13 libjpeg cve_2017_15232 Not applicable Not applicable
14 libjpeg cve_2018_14498 No -
15 libjpeg cve_2018_19664 No -
16 libming cve_2016_9264 Yes Wrong (exploit still fail)
17 libming cve_2018_8806 Not applicable Not applicable
18 libming cve_2018_8964 Not applicable Not applicable
19 libtiff bugzilla_2611 Not applicable Not applicable
20 libtiff bugzilla_2633 Yes Correct
21 libtiff cve_2016_5321 Yes Wrong (exploit still fail)
22 libtiff cve_2016_9273 No -
23 libtiff cve_2016_9532 Yes Wrong (cannot compile)
24 libtiff cve_2016_10092 Yes Wrong (exploit still fail)
25 libtiff cve_2016_10094 Yes Correct
26 libtiff cve_2016_10272 Yes Wrong (exploit still fail)
27 libtiff cve_2017_5225 Yes Correct
28 libtiff cve_2017_7595 Not applicable Not applicable
29 libtiff cve_2017_7599 No -
30 libtiff cve_2017_7600 No -
31 libtiff cve_2017_7601 No -
32 libxml2 cve_2012_5134 No -
33 libxml2 cve_2016_1838 No -
34 libxml2 cve_2016_1839 No -
35 libxml2 cve_2017_5969 Not applicable NA (though a patch produced but cannot compile)
36 potrace cve_2013_7437 Yes Correct
37 zziplib cve_2017_5974 No -
38 zziplib cve_2017_5975 No -
39 zziplib cve_2017_5976 No -

Steps used in experiments

To run SenX on the experiment benchmark, first set up the SenX VM:

# register the unzipped VM
VBoxManage registervm '/home/yuntong/Ubuntu 16.04 - Senx/Ubuntu 16.04 - Senx.vbox'
# fix issue for "Nonexistent host networking interface, name 'vboxnet0' (VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR)"
VBoxManage hostonlyif create
# fix issue for "cpum#1: X86_CPUID_AMD_FEATURE_EDX_AXMMX is not supported by the host but has already exposed to the guest [ver=19 pass=final] (VERR_SSM_LOAD_CPUID_MISMATCH)"
VBoxManage discardstate "Ubuntu 16.04 - Senx"
# start the VM in headless mode
VBoxHeadless --startvm "Ubuntu 16.04 - Senx"
# ssh into it, passwd is `user`
ssh -p 3022 user@

Once land in the VM, clone this repo:

git clone
cd senx-experiments

Next, put the file at correct place:

cp /home/user/bin/

Set up additional gdb command by adding the following lines to /home/user/.gdbinit:

python import sys
python sys.path.append("/home/user/bin")
python import offsets

Now, set up and run all the vulnerabilities with the driver script:

python3 --setup
python3 --run
python3 --saveres