Pinned Repositories
Fundamental SQL queries to analyse countries' debts to the World Bank. Data is attached to the file.
In this notebook, we're going to analyse the data that made Semmelweis discover the importance of handwashing. Let's start by looking at the data that made Semmelweis realize that something was wrong with the procedures at Vienna General Hospital.
This project is based on the nobel prize laureates. DataCamp datasets were used for this project.
Hiphop or Rock? My goal is to classify songs as being either 'Hip-Hop' or 'Rock' - all without listening to a single one ourselves
This repo starts with fundamentals of PowerBI. There are 3 datasets. Every subject is shown as reports (.pbix). Any subject in data analysis will be explained step by step therefore it's not totally finished.
Paper Bag Parameter Optimisation: Data preprocessing for Zenbo machines to complete the side gluing and bottom folding units for paper bags in production station
This repo contains Python basics, importing and cleaning data, data manipulation with pandas, mathematical operations with numpy, visualisations with matplotlib and seaborn, statistical basics (Sampling and Hypothesis testing), exploratory data analysis, preprocessing, supervised and unsupervised learning with scikit-learn, and postreSQL.
Digital FIR and IIR filters with intelligible Python codes using SciPy.
We will build a machine learning model that can predict if an individual's application for a credit card will be accepted .Credit Card Approval dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository is used
In this repository, sales analysis of 5-year-period is analysed. Lots of linear regression model have been applied. Finally, ensemble method is applied.
yunusbagriacik's Repositories
Digital FIR and IIR filters with intelligible Python codes using SciPy.
Fundamental SQL queries to analyse countries' debts to the World Bank. Data is attached to the file.
In this notebook, we're going to analyse the data that made Semmelweis discover the importance of handwashing. Let's start by looking at the data that made Semmelweis realize that something was wrong with the procedures at Vienna General Hospital.
This project is based on the nobel prize laureates. DataCamp datasets were used for this project.
Hiphop or Rock? My goal is to classify songs as being either 'Hip-Hop' or 'Rock' - all without listening to a single one ourselves
Netflix dataset has been used in order to investigate whether films last longer or shorter by time.
This repo starts with fundamentals of PowerBI. There are 3 datasets. Every subject is shown as reports (.pbix). Any subject in data analysis will be explained step by step therefore it's not totally finished.
Main goal is to determine which apps have highest sentiment score.
Paper Bag Parameter Optimisation: Data preprocessing for Zenbo machines to complete the side gluing and bottom folding units for paper bags in production station
This repo contains Python basics, importing and cleaning data, data manipulation with pandas, mathematical operations with numpy, visualisations with matplotlib and seaborn, statistical basics (Sampling and Hypothesis testing), exploratory data analysis, preprocessing, supervised and unsupervised learning with scikit-learn, and postreSQL.
There are lots of commits in the Github. In this project, It will be found that who has had the most influence on its development and who are the experts.
A MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark :point_down:
This is a repository pattern project that contains WebForm and WCF project which brings products to Datagridview.
Simple version of MineSweeper game was created using windows forms
We will build a machine learning model that can predict if an individual's application for a credit card will be accepted .Credit Card Approval dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository is used
In this repository, sales analysis of 5-year-period is analysed. Lots of linear regression model have been applied. Finally, ensemble method is applied.
Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando's article images, with examples shown above. It consists of a training set of 60,000 examples and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each example is a 28x28 grayscale image, associated with a label from 10 classes: 0=T-shirt/top; 1=Trouser; 2=Pullover; 3=Dress; 4=Coat; 5=Sandal; 6=Shirt; 7=Sneaker; 8=Bag; 9=Ankle b
Find a value (string or numeric) similarity in different columns using statistical method of levenshtein_distance
In this repo, customers' financial data is used and GBTClassifier model has been applied. Data preprocessing and descriptive data analysis have been processed. Visualisations were made using seaborn but alternatively you can use plotly to visualise pairwise data. It can give you better understanding as well.
Predicting salary based on the factors that are located in Glassdoor
Gain insights about SAT scores of NYC public schools.
In this project, we'll analyze video game critic and user scores as well as sales data for the top 400 video games released since 1977. You'll search for a golden age of video games by identifying release years that users and critics liked best, and you'll explore the business side of gaming by looking at game sales data using SQL
Detect outliers using three different statistical methods on RPA dataset.
This is an advanced Excel project that aims to provide data integrity and data consistency.
Data has been collected from Here are the some basic SQL queries to analyse transportation data. Enjoy!
yunusbagriacik/What-and-Where-are-the-World-s-Oldest-Businesses researched the oldest company that is still in business in almost every country and compiled the results into a dataset. Let's explore this work to to better understand these historic businesses