
iPhone client for on-demand push-button services like Uber, UberRUSH, etc

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to Instacab Client

Instacab is an iPhone app used to request cars, messengers and anything else much like Uber, with real-time progress tracking on the map, integrated payment and receipt after your ride or request is completed.

This is What It Looks Like

Request Screen Confirmation Screen Choosing Manual Pickup Location
Fare Quote Waiting For Pickup Receipt


Getting Started

  1. Checkout Instacab source at the command prompt if you haven't yet:

     git checkout https://github.com/tisunov/InstacabClient
  2. At the command prompt, install required Cocapods packages:

     pod install
  3. Register your Google Maps API key and insert it in AppDelegate.m

      - (void)setupServices:(UIApplication *)application {
          // Google Maps key
          [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"<YOUR GOOGLE MAPS API KEY>"];

You need it otherwise app won't load Google Maps

  1. (optionaly) Register your Mixpanel key for analytics, then insert development & production keys in AppDelegate.m

      - (void)setupServices:(UIApplication *)application {
          // Mixpanel analytics
          [Mixpanel sharedInstanceWithToken:@"<YOUR MIXPANEL KEY>"];
  2. (optionaly) Register your BugSnag key for crash reporting, then add it to AppDelegate.m application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:

      [Bugsnag startBugsnagWithApiKey:@"<YOUR BUGSNAG API KEY>"];
  3. Start Instacab Node.js Dispatcher

  4. Start Instacab Rails Backend

Setting Up Dispatcher

Please refer to Instacab Dispatcher

Setting Up Backend

Please refer to Instacab Backend


  • Write unit tests
  • Remove Payture Payment Processor integration
  • Cache remote images using Path's FastImageCache
  • Translate or remove Russian comments
  • Validate promo code upon sign up
  • Remove ReactiveCocoa dependency
  • Consider ditching WebSockets in favor REST API, we are updating whole app state anyways.