
m1 Mac (Apple Slicon) ML- Deep Learning Installation

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- first you must open terminal and type this command

xcode-select --install

- then you must install miniconda with this link


- and u must create a new environment with this command

conda create -n yuem python -y

- then you must activate the environment with this command

conda activate yuem

- then you must install the requirements with this command

conda install scikit-learn
conda install pandas
conda install matplotlib
pip install jupyterlab
pip install pandas-datareader
pip install tqdm
pip install h5py 
pip install flask 
pip install boto3

and lets install apple metal acceleration with this command

pip install tensorflow-macos
pip install tensorflow-metal
pip install bayesian-optimization
pip install gym 
pip install kaggle

Accelerated PyTorch training on Mac installation

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch-nightly

pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu

conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps

- and finally you must run this command

conda install -y jupyter
conda install pandas-datareader   
conda install tqdm
conda install flask
conda install boto3
conda install pyyaml
pip install chardet

conda update -n base -c defaults conda

jupyter lab