
AidEaseAI is an AI tool built to help connect first responders with those trapped in Natural Disasters. Make sure to check out our website down below for more information.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


What is AidEaseAI?

AidEaseAI is a project developed by Yunwei Li in 2023 with the purpose of using NLP to help an AI Model read and analyze Tweets that can give valuable data to first responders regarding those at risk or suffering from Natural Disasters so that fast and accurate preparation and rescue/aid activities may be coordinated.

What is the Concept/Methodology behind AidEaseAI?

We aim to approach various tweets and analyze and try and match for words that convey desperation or a need of assistance and also break down the order of the words to get a more accurate overall perspective of the intended message behind every Tweet to the best of our ability to ensure that the most accurate data can be conveyed to these first responders.

How does AidEaseAI ensure accuracy??

Our model aims to take in a vast amount of Tweets, and aims to improve over time through test and trial, aiming to have a general increase in accuracy over time through tne analyzing of incorrect marks after every set of trials to find areas of improvement to ensure that accuracy may be improved in the next set of trials, overall increasing the accuracy and realiability of AidEaseAI as a whole.

To find out more specific information about our product, make sure to check out an informational powerpoint: https://lwsd-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/s-yli_lwsd_org/EbOeLte12GdFgSttistTyRMBTnKhR65jTgmed5ufxWSHXg?e=xsvGTX

If you are interested in the data used and collected, make sure to find the following Excel Spreadsheet with my own personalized data: https://tinyurl.com/msyw5abc

Source Code

The source code is in the file with the name "SourceCode.py". If you have any questions, make sure to reach out to us through our contact form on our website. For more information, make sure to stay up to date with our social media: https://www.instagram.com/aideaseai/