Merging Generated and Retrieved Knowledge for Open-Domain QA (EMNLP 2023)

Primary LanguagePython


Merging Generated and Retrieved Knowledge for Open-Domain QA

alt text



The experiments in the paper were run using python=3.7.0, torch==1.11.0 and trasnformers==4.26.0.

Discriminator Training

To show you how to train the discriminators with silver labels, we will use NaturalQuestion to illustrate.

Step 1: Generate Silver Labels

cd passage_matching
python create_loo_data.py
bash infer_loo.sh
python create_evidentiality_data.py
python create_compatibility_data.py

Step 2: Train and Infer with Discriminators

sbatch train_evidentiality.sh
sbatch train_compatibility.sh
bash submit_infer_compatibility_evidentiality_scores.sh

Step 3: Create Passage Pairs

python merge_infer_scores.py
python build_psg_pairs.py --matching_method {random|compatibility_2stage_optimal}  --dataset {nq/tqa/webq}

where compatibility_2stage_optimal refers to COMBO method in paper.

Reader Training

We modify codes from atlas. Please follow their instructions to set up environments properly.

cd ../training
sbatch scripts/train_simple_merge.sh   # for Direct Merging method
sbatch scripts/train_nq_webq_pair.sh   # for Random Matching / COMBO method