ROS Package for road boundary/edge/curb detection

This is beta repository.


This package includes Ground-Extract, First-Time-Boundary-Detection, Object-Clustering, Obstacle-BoundingBox, Second-Time-Boundary-Detection and B-spline Curves-Fitting.


Make sure that the followings are installed: 1.ROS Kinetic 2.PCL 1.7+ 3.Open CV 4.(Optional) Autoware(autoware_msg) 5.(Optional) velodyne_master/velodyne


Using rosbag.

This package using rosbag-data collected by velodyne-lidar. That means u should change your databag which is collected by other lidar to rosbag type in this package. If your bag is velodyne-rosbag, you should install the Velodyne-Package.

Whats more, velodyne-rosbag provide a special parameter "ring" for each point in the point cloud. The "ring" indicate which line/ring/channels this point belongs to. For example, point-a's ring[20] means it belongs to the 21st channels. If your points didn't include this parameter, you can use some common algorithms to categorize your pointcloud into different ring[]arrays.


In this package, the Ground-Separate algorithm refers to the Autoware-Ground-Detection. That means you must install the Autoware-Package if you don't change a word. But you can use your own Ground-Separate algorithm to replace this step.


Terminal 1 : roscore

Terminal 2 : rviz

Terminal 3 : rosrun fast_curb_detection main (in your workspace)

Terminal 4 : rosbag play yourbag.bag



