
Ext JS Bridge for Angular2 (The Bridge)

The Bridge Works with the Sencha Ext JS 6.2 modern toolkit

To try The Bridge with a test Angular2 application:

Install Angular-CLI (instructions at:

Create a folder called ExtAngular and cd to this folder

in the ExtAngular folder create new project using command prompt (this will take a while):

ng new ExtTest

When finished, run the following commands on the command line:

cd ExtTest
npm install angular2-extjs --save
cp -r node_modules/angular2-extjs/demo/ src/

Replace styles and scripts section in ExtTest/angular-cli.json with what is in src/misc/angular-cli.json.txt

(don't forget to do this...)

To create a theme for the application:

In the ExtAngular folder create an empty ExtJS application called Theme:

cd ..
sencha -sdk {path-to-ext-js-6.2} generate app -starter=false -modern Theme ./Theme
cp ExtTest/src/demo/misc/app.js Theme/app.js
cd Theme

Change 'requires' in app.json to this:

"requires": [

Build Ext JS application

sencha app build testing

Copy build folder of Ext JS app to app folder of Angular2 test app (ExtTest)

cp -r build/ ../ExtTest/src/app/build/

Run the application

cd ..
cd ExtTest
ng serve

In the browser, go to http://localhost:4200

Open ExtTest project in an editor to review the application

Demo at