
DMRfind Running RMS tests failed.

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Hi Yunpenghe,

I have a problem running DMRfind, and the error is "Running RMS tests failed." I used to think it's because of my gsl wasn't installed properly. But I really have installed GSL according to the installation tutorial, and when I excute run_rms_tests.out it showed "Usage: ./rms.out <min_cov> <num_sims> <num_sig_tests> ".Now I can't use docker and I have no idea about this "Running RMS tests failed" error, could you please help me what causes this error and how to solve this problem? The code I run is as follow.

methylpy DMRfind --allc-files /share/data/Methylpy/g1/g1_allc.txt /share/data/Methylpy/g2/g2_allc.txt --sample-category g1 g2 --min-cluster 2 --mc-type CGN --chroms 1 --num-procs 2 --keep-temp-files FALSE --output-prefix /share/data/Methylpy/result/g1_g2

Many Thanks,

Hey Sope,
Do you mind to share some input files for me to reproduce the error?


Thank you yupenghe,

The following two files are my input files. The category of allc_GSM2481635.txt is g2, and the category of allc_GSM2481637.txt is g1. I can run after deleting the chromosome label item, like this,
methylpy DMRfind --allc-files /Methylpy/g1/allc_GSM2481637.txt /Methylpy/g2/allc_GSM2481635.txt --sample-category g1 g2 --min-cluster 2 --mc-type CGN --num-procs 2 --keep-temp-files FALSE --output-prefix /Methylpy/result2/g1_g2


But the result does not seem to be right. The result file's image is as follows. Is there a problem with the format of my input file or is my dependency not installed? I did not install bowtie, samtools, Picard, wigToBigWig, but I just want to get DMR information.

Many Thanks!

Oh, I almost forgot, and this picture is the output after I run it

Hi Sope,
The error was due to the format of allc file. It needs to be tab separated. If you use R, you can reformat the file as

allc = read.table("allc_GSM2481635.txt")
write.table(x=allc, file="allc_GSM2481635.tsv", sep="\t", quote=F, col.names=F, row.names=F)

allc = read.table("allc_GSM2481637.txt")
write.table(x=allc, file="allc_GSM2481637.tsv", sep="\t", quote=F, col.names=F, row.names=F)

Then, DMRfind can be run using command like this

methylpy DMRfind --allc-files allc_GSM2481637.tsv allc_GSM2481635.tsv --sample-category g1 g2 --min-cluster 2 --mc-type CGN --num-procs 2 --keep-temp-files FALSE --output-prefix g1_g2

Oh thank you! Many thanks! You help me a lot!