
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokémon React App

Using React, please build a Single Page Application according to the wireframes using create-react-app as a boilerplate. The wireframes are a guideline for main components and layout.


  • React via create-react-app (ejected)
  • node-sass already installed (this is a recommended tool that enables scss, but use whatever css stack you'd like)
  • Redux already installed


  • Single page app -- no react-router required
  • Proxy the API provided in the Resources section of this ReadMe
  • Use Redux at your discretion (not a requirement, but a plus if used appropriately)
  • Import libraries (functionality is outlined in the Features section of this ReadMe):


Please give the API a second to spin up when you first visit the page!

Components & Features (User Stories)

  • As a User, I want to be able to type a Pokémon's name in a search box and have the component show me suggestions of Pokémon in a dropdown selectable list.
  • As a User, when I select a Pokémon from the auto-suggest list I want to see that Pokémon's image, attack, defense, and type(s) in an InfoBox Component.
    • I want to see a unique color indication (text color, background color, etc) for a specific type of Pokémon.
  • As a User, when I select a Pokémon from the auto-suggest list I want to see that Pokémon's basic statistics (attack, defense, stamina) in a BarChart Component.
    • X-axis: statistic name
    • Y-axis: value
    • If a value is >= 50, change the color of the bar to red.
    • If a value is <50 & >=20, change the color of the bar to yellow.
    • If a value is <20, change the color of the bar to grey.
  • As a User, when I click on the Pokéball near the graph the data will toggle between basic statistics & moves

Show Off

These are not required functionalities, but a few examples to show off some advanced skills.

  • Responsiveness -- mobile and/or tablet
  • Make the Pokéball using ONLY SCSS
  • Make the Pokéball animate (rotate, bounce, grow/shrink, dealer's choice)
  • Create a Middleware that triggers an easter egg
    • Intercept the Pokémon type and show an easter egg!
    • Ex: If a fire Pokémon is selected, make the screen flash red. If an ice Pokémon is selected, overlay the page with snowflakes.
  • Game-ify this App!
    • Add a Screen for a game & link to it from the original app.
    • Give the User 2 random Pokémon by name.
    • Let the User select a sequence of 3 moves out of the total available moves for each Pokémon.
    • Battle the Pokémon... because that's what they do.
    • Show the victorious and defeated based on the sum of the move power values and the defense of the opposing Pokémon; whoever hits defense = 0 first loses.