
Foundations of Software Engineering for AI course final project

Primary LanguageC++


DeepFaceRecognition repository provide an ability to detect faces on images. To use our project follow this instruction.


$ git clone https://github.com/yur1xfd/DeepFaceRecognition.git && cd DeepFaceRecognition

You can use our project in 2 ways.

1. Build locally with Makefile

Set a TZ:

$ export TZ=Europe/Moscow && ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone

Make sure that make and git is installed in your system:

$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y make git

Install all dependencies:

$ make prereqs

2. Build with Docker

Build docker image using Dockerfile

$ docker build -t deepface .

Run builded image

$ docker compose up -d

Attach to container

$ docker attach deepface-service-1

Quick Start

Put images you want to use for face recognition to input_raw/ folder. To run our DeepFaceRecognition pipeline:

Build executables

$ make build

Run preprocessing stage

$ make preprocessing

Run processing stage

$ make processing

Run postprocessing stage

$ make postprocessing

Now you have the results in the output/ folder.

Also you can run full pipeline with one command:

$ make run

Here an example of running our pipline:

  1. Raw input image raw_input_image
  2. Preprocessed image after make preprocessing (Resize from 1920x1080 to 960x540)
  3. Output image after processing and postprocessing stages output_image

Foundations of Software Engineering for AI course final project
Our team:

  1. Ivan Listopadov
  2. Sergey Grozny
  3. Roman Dyachenko
  4. Yurii Melnik