Data Models and Database Management Systems labs

Primary LanguageRust

Yuri Izmer 053501

database design on the topic: Importer of food products


  1. Compulsory functional requirements:

    • User Authorization
    • User Management (CRUD)
    • Role System (Admin, Manager, Client, Supplier)
    • Logging
  2. The application must allow user to:

    • Register and authenticate
    • Create and edit:
      • product categories and subcategories. (Admin, Manager)
    • Create product categories. (Admin, Manager, Supplier)
    • Describe:
      • available types of products from each supplier. (Admin, Manager, Supplier)
      • details of warehouses and their contents. (Admin, Manager)
      • product requirements for each of client addresses. (Admin, Manager, Client)
    • View the following data:
      • List of suppliers with name, email and country.
      • List of products for category or subcategory.
      • List of product requierments for each client address.
      • List of awailable products per warehouse.
      • List of countries, categories and subcategories.
      • List of users.
      • List of all addresses for client.

Entitity relationship diagram



Note: all fields are non-nullable except those marked as nullable

  1. User

    • user_id: number, primary key
    • supplier_id: number, nullable and unique foreign key that refers to supplier
    • client_id: number, nullable and unique foreign key that refers to client
    • user_role_id: number, foreign key that refers to user role
    • name: varchar(320)
    • password: varchar(256)
  2. User role - admin, manager, client, supplier, etc...

    • user_role_id: number, primary key
    • name: varchar(20)
  3. Client - company that buys products

    • client_id: number, primary key
    • name: varchar(320)
    • email: varchar(320)
  4. Client address - one of the client addresses

    • client_address_id: number, primary key
    • client_id: number, foreign key that refers to client
    • address: varchar
  5. Product requirement - required count of product for address

    • product_requirement_id: number, primary key
    • product_id: number, foreign key that refers to product
    • client_address_id: number, foreign key that refers to client address
    • count: number
  6. Supplier - company that sells products

    • supplier_id: number, primary key
    • country_id: number, foreign key that refers to country
    • name: varchar(320), name of supplier
    • email: varchar(320), email of supplier
  7. Country

    • country_id: number, primary key
    • name: varchar(60), name of the country
  8. Product

    • product_id: number, primary key
    • supplier_id: number, foreign key that refers to supplier
    • subcategory_id: number, foreign key that refers to subcategory
    • name: varchar, name of product
  9. Product subcategory

    • subcategory_id: number, primary key
    • category_id: number, foreign key that refers to category
    • name: varchar, name of subcategory
  10. Product category - grocery, canned food, healthy food etc...

    • category_id: number, primary key
    • name: varchar, name of the category
  11. Warehouse - place where products can be located

    • warehouse_id: number, primary key
    • address: varchar, name of the category
  12. Product locations

    • product_location_id: number, primary key
    • warehouse_id: number, foreign key that refers to warehouse
    • product_id: number, foreign key that refers to product
    • count: number