
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Moodify (Official)

Moodle site modifying and lots of awesome features are out of the box!

Stars Forks Issues Commits

Commitizen friendly



  • Light (~213kb), fast and reliable
  • Auto signin to Moodle, Portal sites (if use the same account info)
  • Course page improvements
    • Course Plit View feature
    • Courses Quick Browse feature
    • Pages restyling
  • Watching moodle events on Facebook

Upcoming Features

  • Watching moodle events on any provided sites.

Supported sites


Auto Sign In

Popup Image 1 Popup Image 2
popup image 1 popup image 2
Extension Active Status

login-set not-set

Moodle Page Modifications

After Before
Navigation Bar After Before
Home Page After Before
Courses Page After Before
Course Detail Page After Before

Facebook Integration

  • To load events data from Moodle, ensure that you have logged in at here.

Info: Visit the Moodle site frequently to update new events.

Note: The extension will not work if you are not logged in to the Moodle site. The extension will automatically log in to the Moodle site if you have enabled the Auto Sign In feature.If you have not enabled the Auto Sign In feature, you need to log in to the Moodle site manually to use this feature.

Empty Not Empty
Empty Not Empty

GPA Calculator

Step 1: Enable Portal GPA Calculate feature in extension popup


Step 2: Drag and drop the GPA Calculator to the bookmark bar



Step 3: Click the GPA Calculator bookmarklet


Export Timetable

  • Do the same step as GPA Calculator but with Export Timetable feature.

Timetable Export


  • Download the latest release zip.
  • Unzip the file to /moodify folder.
  • Goto chrome://extensions/.
  • Click Load unpacked and choose the /moodify folder or drag and drop the folder to chrome://extensions/.
  • Extension is available now!
