
Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Platform Swift Cocoapods Carthage compatible CocoaPodsDL License


SwipeMenuViewController provides SwipeMenuView and SwipeMenuViewController. This is very useful to build swipe-based paging UI. The interface is as simple as UIKit's.


Here are some style of demos with snippets using SwipeMenuView.

Segmented style

@IBOutlet weak var swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView! {
    didSet {
        swipeMenuView.delegate                        = self
        swipeMenuView.dataSource                      = self
        var options: SwipeMenuViewOptions             = .init()
        options.tabView.style                         = .segmented
        options.tabView.underlineView.backgroundColor = UIColor.customUnderlineColor
        options.tabView.itemView.textColor            = UIColor.customTextColor
        options.tabView.itemView.selectedTextColor    = UIColor.customSelectedTextColor
        swipeMenuView.reload(options: options)

Flexible style

@IBOutlet weak var swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView! {
    didSet {
        swipeMenuView.delegate                          = self
        swipeMenuView.dataSource                        = self
        var options: SwipeMenuViewOptions               = .init()
        options.tabView.style                           = .flexible
        options.tabView.margin                          = 8.0
        options.tabView.underlineView.backgroundColor   = UIColor.customUnderlineColor
        options.tabView.backgroundColor                 = UIColor.customBackgroundColor
        options.tabView.underlineView.height            = 3.0
        options.tabView.itemView.textColor              = UIColor.customTextColor
        options.tabView.itemView.selectedTextColor      = .white
        options.tabView.itemView.margin                 = 10.0
        options.contentScrollView.backgroundColor       = UIColor.customBackgroundColor
        swipeMenuView.reload(options: options)

Infinity style




You can integrate via CocoaPods. Add the following line to your Podfile :

pod 'SwipeMenuViewController'

and run pod install


You can integrate via Carthage, too. Add the following line to your Cartfile :

github "yysskk/SwipeMenuViewController"

and run carthage update


~ 1.1.5

  • Xcode 8.x
  • Swift 3.x


  • Xcode 9.x
  • Swift 3.2

2.0.0 ~

  • Xcode 9.x
  • Swift 4.x



1) Integrate SwipeMenuViewController to your project as above

2) Import SwipeMenuViewController module

import SwipeMenuViewController

3) Add SwipeMenuView to CustomViewController , and set dataSource, delegate, and other options if you need

class CustomViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        swipeMenuView.dataSource = self
        swipeMenuView.delegate = self

        let options: SwipeMenuViewOptions = .init()

        swipeMenuView.reloadData(options: options)

4) Conform your CustomViewController to SwipeMenuViewDelegate to receive change events

extension CustomViewController: SwipeMenuViewDelegate {

    // MARK - SwipeMenuViewDelegate
    func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewWillSetupAt currentIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

    func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewDidSetupAt currentIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

    func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, willChangeIndexFrom fromIndex: Int, to toIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

    func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, didChangeIndexFrom fromIndex: Int, to toIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

5) Conform your CustomViewController to SwipeMenuViewDataSource to build the view

extension CustomViewController: SwipeMenuViewDataSource {

     //MARK - SwipeMenuViewDataSource
     func numberOfPages(in swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView) -> Int {
        return array.count

     func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, titleForPageAt index: Int) -> String {
        return array[index]

     func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewControllerForPageAt index: Int) -> UIViewController {
        let vc = ContentViewController()
        return vc


1) See SwipeMenuView process 1) ~ 2) to setup this SDK

2) Use SwipeMenuViewController classes

class CustomViewController: SwipeMenuViewController {

3) Override SwipeMenuViewDelegate methods and SwipeMenuViewDataSource methods if you need.

extension CustomViewController {

    // MARK: - SwipeMenuViewDelegate
    override func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewWillSetupAt currentIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

    override func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewDidSetupAt currentIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

    override func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, willChangeIndexFrom fromIndex: Int, to toIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

    override func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, didChangeIndexFrom fromIndex: Int, to toIndex: Int) {
        // Codes

    // MARK - SwipeMenuViewDataSource
    override func numberOfPages(in swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView) -> Int {
        return array.count

    override func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, titleForPageAt index: Int) -> String {
        return array[index]

    override func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewControllerForPageAt index: Int) -> UIViewController {
        let vc = ContentViewController()
        return vc


SwipeMenuView has the following methods.

// Reloads all `SwipeMenuView` item views with the dataSource and refreshes the display.
func reloadData(options: SwipeMenuViewOptions? = nil, isOrientationChange: Bool = false)

// Jump to the selected page.
func jump(to index: Int, animated: Bool)

// Notify changing orientaion to `SwipeMenuView` before it.
func willChangeOrientation()


SwipeMenuViewDataSource and SwipeMenuViewDelegate has the following methods.

// Return the number of pages in `SwipeMenuView`.
func numberOfPages(in swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView) -> Int

// Return strings to be displayed at the specified tag in `SwipeMenuView`.
func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, titleForPageAt index: Int) -> String

// Return a ViewController to be displayed at the specified page in `SwipeMenuView`.
func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewControllerForPageAt index: Int) -> UIViewController

/// Called before setup self.
func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewWillSetupAt currentIndex: Int)

/// Called after setup self.
func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewDidSetupAt currentIndex: Int)

// Called before swiping the page.
func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, willChangeIndexFrom fromIndex: Int, to toIndex: Int)

// Called after swiping the page.
func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, didChangeIndexFrom fromIndex: Int, to toIndex: Int)


SwipeMenuView has the following properties.

// An object conforms `SwipeMenuViewDelegate`. Provide views to populate the `SwipeMenuView`.
open weak var delegate: SwipeMenuViewDelegate!

// An object conforms `SwipeMenuViewDataSource`. Provide views and respond to `SwipeMenuView` events.
open weak var dataSource: SwipeMenuDataSource!

// The index of the front page in `SwipeMenuView` (read only).
private(set) var currentIndex


SwipeMenuView is customizable by designated options property when calling reloadData() method. Here are many properties of SwipeMenuViewOptions which you are able to customize it for your needs.


// TabView height. Defaults to `44.0`.
public var height: CGFloat

// TabView side margin. Defaults to `0.0`.
public var margin: CGFloat

// TabView background color. Defaults to `.clear`.
public var backgroundColor: UIColor

// TabView clipsToBounds. Defaults to `true`.
public var clipsToBounds: Bool = true

// TabView style. Defaults to `.flexible`. Style type has [`.flexible` , `.segmented`].
public var style: Style

// TabView addition. Defaults to `.underline`. Addition type has [`.underline`, `.none`].
public var addition: Addition

// TabView adjust width or not. Defaults to `true`.
public var needsAdjustItemViewWidth: Bool

// Convert the text color of ItemView to selected text color by scroll rate of ContentScrollView. Defaults to `true`.
public var needsConvertTextColorRatio: Bool

// TabView enable safeAreaLayout. Defaults to `true`.
public var isSafeAreaEnabled: Bool
// ItemView width. Defaults to `100.0`.
public var width: CGFloat

// ItemView side margin. Defaults to `5.0`.
public var margin: CGFloat

// ItemView font. Defaults to `14 pt as bold SystemFont`.
public var font: UIFont

// ItemView clipsToBounds. Defaults to `true`.
public var clipsToBounds: Bool = true

// ItemView textColor. Defaults to `.lightGray`.
public var textColor: UIColor

// ItemView selected textColor. Defaults to `.black`.
public var selectedTextColor: UIColor
// UndelineView height. Defaults to `2.0`.
public var height: CGFloat

// UndelineView side margin. Defaults to `0.0`.
public var margin: CGFloat

// UndelineView backgroundColor. Defaults to `.black`.
public var backgroundColor: UIColor

// UnderlineView animating duration. Defaults to `0.3`.
public var animationDuration: CGFloat


// ContentScrollView backgroundColor. Defaults to `.clear`.
public var backgroundColor: UIColor

// ContentScrollView clipsToBounds. Defaults to `true`.
public var clipsToBounds: Bool = true

// ContentScrollView scroll enabled. Defaults to `true`.
public var isScrollEnabled: Bool

// ContentScrollView enable safeAreaLayout. Defaults to `true`.
public var isSafeAreaEnabled: Bool


Yusuke Morishita


SwipeMenuViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.