React list of goods


Please write the numbers of implemented options in the Pull Request description (Implemented 1-7, or 1-3 and 5-7)

  1. At first show a button Start on the page
  2. After clicking a button show a GoodsList (ul > li) with given goods and hide the button
  3. Add Reverse button to reverse current order of goods
  4. Add Sort alphabetically button to show goods in alphabetical order
  5. Add Reset button to show the goods in the initial order
  6. Add Sort by length button
  7. Add <select> with numbers from 1 to 10. (1 is default). All the previous buttons should now show only goods having length >= than selected value. When you change the value the items should be immediately rerendered accordingly.
  8. (*) Reset button should set the default value to the <select>