React Phone catalog


Implement Products catalog following this design.

Use products and product details tо fetch data (use actual phoneId as a last part of the URL before .json).

Store the Cart in the localStorage


  • Create pages, components and helpers folders to structure your app
  • Use scss files per component
  • Use component names as BEM block names with all the other BEM rules applied


  1. Add a Header with links to all the pages
    • The Logo and the Nav are aligned left
    • The Favorites and the Cart are aligned right
  2. Use NavLinks to highlight current page in Header
  3. Add Footer
    • Footer content is limited the same width as the page content
    • Add the link to the Github repo
    • (*) Implement Back to top button

Home page

  1. Create HomePage available at / with just a title Home page
  2. Fetch products from API
    • Each product has a type: phone, tablet or accessory
    • price is given before discount
    • discount is give in percents %
    • age is used to sort by Newest
    • id is required to fetch product details
  3. Create ProductsSlider component and use it in Hot prices block
    • Create getHotPriceProducts method fetching products with discount from API sorted by absolute discount value (not percentage given in API)
    • For now do all the filtering and sorting on client side
    • Create ProductCard component to use it everywhere
    • Add ability to use < and > buttons to scroll products
  4. Add Brand new block using ProductsSlider
    • Create getBrandNewProducts method fetching products without a discount from the API starting from the most expensive
  5. Add Shop by category block with the links to /phones, /tablets and /accessories.
  6. Replace the Home page title with slider
    • User can change pictures with buttons infinitely
    • (*) Swipe pictures every 5 seconds

Phones page

  1. Create PhonesPage available at /phones with just a title Mobile phones
    • Create getPhones API call fetching the products with the type: phone
  2. Add ProductsList showing all the phones
  3. Implement a Loader to show it while waiting for the data from server
  4. Add ability to sort the products by age (Newest), name (Alphabetically) and price (Cheapest)
    • (*) save sort order in the URL ?sort=age and apply it after the page reload
  5. Add Pagination and Items on page with 4, 8, 16 and all options.
    • It should limit the products you show to the user
    • Read the description for more detailed explanation
    • Hide all the pagination elements if there are a few items (less than 1 smallest page size)
    • (*) Save ?page=2&perPage=8 in the URL and apply them after the page reload

Tablets and accessories

  1. Create TabletsPage page available at /tablets working the same way as PhonesPage
    • Create getTablets method fetching the products with type: tablet
  2. Create AccessoriesPage page available at /accessories working the same way as PhonesPage
    • Create getAccessories method fetching the products with type: accessory
    • Implement NoResults component displayed if there are no products available

Product details page

  1. Create ProductDetailsPage available at /product/:productId
    • ProductCard should be a link to the details page
  2. Fetch phone details from API taking the phoneId from the URL
    • Use Loader when fetching the details
  3. Show the details on the page
    • Hide Available colors and Select capacity for now
    • About section should contain just a description (without any subheaders)
    • Choose Tech specs you want to show
  4. Add ability to choose a picture
  5. Implement You may also like block with products chosen randomly
    • create getSuggestedProducts method fetching the suggested products
  6. Add Back working the same way as a Browser Back button
  7. Add Breadcrumbs at the top
    • The last part is a plain text all the other ones are links


  1. Implement CartPage storing an array of CartItems
    • Each item should have id, quantity and a product
  2. Add to cart button in ProductCart should add a product to the Cart
  3. If the product is already in the Cart the button should say Added to cart
  4. Implement cart helper storing the items in memory and having all the required methods. Later on it will interact with the API
  5. Add ability to remove items from the Cart with a x button
  6. Add ability to change the quantity in the Cart with - and + buttons around the quantity
  7. Total amount and quantity should be calculated automatically
  8. Checkout button should show the message that this functionality is not implemented yet
  9. (*) Show the total quantity near the Cart icon in the header
  10. (*) Save the Cart to the localSotrage on each change and read it on page load


  1. Create FavoritesPage it should show the ProductsList with all the favorite products
  2. Add ability to add/remove favorite products by pressing a hart
  3. (*) Show the favorites count near the Favorites icon in the header


  1. Add a Search component with an input into the Header to filter products
  2. It should be shown only at /phones, /tablets, /accessories and /favorites with an appropriate text
  3. The x sign appears when the query is not empty and clears the search
  4. It should work with pagination and sorting
  5. (*) Add debounce to the search field
  6. (*) Save Search params in the URL using queryParams (?query=moto) and apply them on page load
  7. (*) Implement NoSearchResults component and show it when there are no products matching the query

Other tasks

  1. Add NotFoundPage for all the other URLs with the link to HomePage
  2. Implement Phone was not found state for the PhoneDetailsPage if there is no phone with a given phoneId on the server