
Baking App for Udacity Android Nanogedree

Primary LanguageJava

Baking App

The Baking App project for Udacity Android Nanodegree. My attempt on developing the project by using Android Architecture Components (LiveData and ViewModel) and MVVM architecture.

Project Description

The baking app fetches and parses a simple JSON file. Shows cards with recipes and allows navigation between recipes and recipe steps.

Other features

  • Master Detail Flow to display recipe steps and navigation between them on tablet layout;
  • Application uses Exoplayer to display videos;
  • Application makes use of Espresso to test aspects of the UI;
  • Application has a companion homescreen widget.

Built With

  • gson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back;
  • OkHttp - An HTTP & HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications;
  • ExoPlayer - An application level media player for Android;
  • Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
  • Butter Knife - Field and method binding for Android views.

App Screenshots

Baking App Recipes Baking App Detail