A service to synchronize media playback between browsers.
To to install all necessary Node.js packages, type:
npm install
in this project's root directory.
Run with:
node app.js
The config.json has 2 identical blocks, one for development and one for production environment which are structured as follows:
"web" : {
"host": "localhost", //address the web server should bind to
"http": {
"port": 80 //port for unencrypted traffic
"https": { //optional, but recommended
"enabled": false, //will also redirect all unencrypted traffic to https
"hsts": true, //HTTP Strict Transport Security
"port": 443, //port for encrypted traffic
"certificate": { //SSL certificate is required for https to work
"key": "",
"cert": ""
"trustedProxies": [] //List of trusted reverse proxies. X-Real-IP header has to be set.
"mongodb": {
"host": "localhost", //address of the MongoDB server
"port": 27017, //port of MongoDB server
"database": "sync", //database name (will be created automatically)
"user": "", //MongoDB login username, if necessary
"password": "" //MongoDB login password, if necessary
"youtubedl": {
"bin": "", //Location of the youtube-dl binary. Defaults to "youtube-dl".
"proxy": { //optional HTTP proxy for Youtube-DL (e.g. to bypass IP blocks)
"enabled": false,
"domains": ["youtube.com"], //list of domains that should be routed through the proxy
//if empty and enabled: true, route all requests through proxy
"host": "localhost", //address of proxy server
"port": 8118 //port of proxy server
"sessionSecret": "changeme", //secret of session cookies, choose a long and secure string
"google": {
"analytics": { //optional Google analytics tracking code
"enabled": false,
"trackingID": "" //tracking ID of property
"adsense": { //optional Google adsense ads
"enabled": false,
"adSlot": "",
"adClient": ""
"piwik": { //optional Piwik tracking code
"enabled": false,
"url": "", //Piwik report URL
"siteId": 1 //Piwik site ID