
Lorier (Logistic courier) is logistic courier service implementation written in Ruby on Rails with API only configuration.

Primary LanguageRuby

Lorier API


Lorier (Logistic Courier) is API logistic service implementation written in Ruby on Rails (Only for learning purposes).

How to use

  • Install necessary ruby version (rbenv recommended)
  • Clone the repo
  • Bundle install by running bundle install command
  • Setup DB by running rails db:create command
  • Run migration by run rails db:migrate command
  • Execute tasks by run rake:tasks command to see available tasks
  • Run server by execute rails s command


  • Ruby v2.6.6
  • Rails v6.0.3
  • PostgreSQL

Stacks Supports

  • Dockerize ✓

API Documentation

API documentation can be accessed via: API Docs