
Git Blame plugin for Neovim written in Lua

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A git blame plugin for Neovim written in Lua

Table of Contents


Using vim-plug

Plug 'f-person/git-blame.nvim'


  • Neovim >= 0.5.0
  • git

The Why

There were several Vim plugins providing this functionality, but most of them were written in VimScript and didn't work well for me. coc-git also had option for showing blame info, it worked really well for me, I like it. However, recently I decided to switch to Neovim's builtin LSP instead of using CoC and having something running on Node.js just for git blame was not the best thing.




Using Lua

You can use setup to configure the plugin in Lua. This is the recommended way if you're using Lua for your configs. Read the documentation below to learn more about specific options (NOTE: options in the setup function don't have the gitblame_ prefix).

NOTE: you don't have to call setup if you don't want to customize the default behavior.

require('gitblame').setup {
     --Note how the `gitblame_` prefix is omitted in `setup`
    enabled = false,

Using lazy.nvim

return {
    -- load the plugin at startup
    event = "VeryLazy",
    -- Because of the keys part, you will be lazy loading this plugin.
    -- The plugin wil only load once one of the keys is used.
    -- If you want to load the plugin at startup, add something like event = "VeryLazy",
    -- or lazy = false. One of both options will work.
    opts = {
        -- your configuration comes here
        -- for example
        enabled = true,  -- if you want to enable the plugin
        message_template = " <summary> • <date> • <author> • <<sha>>", -- template for the blame message, check the Message template section for more options
        date_format = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S", -- template for the date, check Date format section for more options
        virtual_text_column = 1,  -- virtual text start column, check Start virtual text at column section for more options


Enables git-blame.nvim on Neovim startup. You can toggle git blame messages on/off with the :GitBlameToggle command.

Default: 1

let g:gitblame_enabled = 0

Message template

The template for the blame message that will be shown.

Default: ' <author> • <date> • <summary>'

Available options: <author>, <committer>, <date>, <committer-date>, <summary>, <sha>

let g:gitblame_message_template = '<summary> • <date> • <author>'

Date format

The format of the date fields.

Default: %c

Available options:

%r  relative date (e.g., 3 days ago)
%a  abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Wed)
%A  full weekday name (e.g., Wednesday)
%b  abbreviated month name (e.g., Sep)
%B  full month name (e.g., September)
%c  date and time (e.g., 09/16/98 23:48:10)
%d  day of the month (16) [01-31]
%H  hour, using a 24-hour clock (23) [00-23]
%I  hour, using a 12-hour clock (11) [01-12]
%M  minute (48) [00-59]
%m  month (09) [01-12]
%p  either "am" or "pm" (pm)
%S  second (10) [00-61]
%w  weekday (3) [0-6 = Sunday-Saturday]
%x  date (e.g., 09/16/98)
%X  time (e.g., 23:48:10)
%Y  full year (1998)
%y  two-digit year (98) [00-99]
%%  the character `%´
let g:gitblame_date_format = '%r'

Message when not committed yet

The blame message that will be shown when the current modification hasn't been committed yet.

Supports the same template options as g:gitblame_message_template.

Default: ' Not Committed Yet'

let g:gitblame_message_when_not_committed = 'Oh please, commit this !'

Highlight group

The highlight group for virtual text.

Default: Comment

let g:gitblame_highlight_group = "Question"

nvim_buf_set_extmark optional parameters

nvim_buf_set_extmark is the function used for setting the virtual text. You can view an up-to-date full list of options in the Neovim documentation.

Warning: overwriting id and virt_text will break the plugin behavior.

let g:gitblame_set_extmark_options = {
    \ 'priority': 7,
    \ }

Virtual text enabled

If the blame message should be displayed as virtual text.

You may want to disable this if you display the blame message in statusline.

Default: 1

let g:gitblame_display_virtual_text = 0

Ignore by Filetype

A list of filetypes for which gitblame information will not be displayed.

Default: []

let g:gitblame_ignored_filetypes = ['lua', 'c']

Visual delay for displaying the blame info

The delay in milliseconds after which the blame info will be displayed.

Note that this doesn't affect the performance of the plugin.

Default: 250

let g:gitblame_delay = 1000 " 1 second

Start virtual text at column

Have the blame message start at a given column instead of EOL. If the current line is longer than the specified column value the blame message will default to being displayed at EOL.

Default: v:null

let g:gitblame_virtual_text_column = 80

Better Performance

If you are experiencing poor performance (e.g. in particularly large projects) you can use CursorHold and CursorHoldI instead of the default CursorMoved and CursorMovedI autocommands to limit the frequency of events being run.

g:gitblame_schedule_event is used for scheduling events. See CursorMoved and CursorHold.

Default: CursorMoved

options: CursorMoved|CursorHold

g:gitblame_clear_event is used for clearing virtual text. See CursorMovedI and CursorHoldI.

Default: CursorMovedI

options: CursorMovedI|CursorHoldI

Use blame commit file URLs

By default the commands GitBlameOpenFileURL and GitBlameCopyFileURL open the current file at latest branch commit. If you would like to open these files at the latest blame commit (in other words, the commit marked by the blame), set this to true. For ranges, the blame selected will be the most recent blame from the range.

Default: false

vim.g.gitblame_use_blame_commit_file_urls = true

Configuring the clipboard register

By default the :GitBlameCopySHA, :GitBlameCopyFileURL and :GitBlameCopyCommitURL commands use the + register. Set this value if you would like to use a different register (such as *).

Default: +

let g:gitblame_clipboard_register = "*"


Open the commit URL in browser

:GitBlameOpenCommitURL opens the commit URL of commit under the cursor. Tested to work with GitHub and GitLab.

Enable/Disable git blame messages

  • :GitBlameToggle toggles git blame on/off,
  • :GitBlameEnable enables git blame messages,
  • :GitBlameDisable disables git blame messages.

Copy SHA hash

:GitBlameCopySHA copies the SHA hash of current line's commit into the system's clipboard.

Copy Commit URL

:GitBlameCopyCommitURL copies the commit URL of current line's commit into the system clipboard.

Open file URL in browser

:GitBlameOpenFileURL opens the file in the default browser.

The URL is scoped to the latest commit on the current branch and has a mark of the current line. (same is true for GitBlameCopyFileURL)

Copy file URL

:GitBlameCopyFileURL copies the file URL into the system clipboard.

Statusline integration

The plugin provides you with two functions which you can incorporate into your statusline of choice:

-- Lua
local git_blame = require('gitblame')

git_blame.is_blame_text_available() -- Returns a boolean value indicating whether blame message is available
git_blame.get_current_blame_text() --  Returns a string with blame message

Here is an example of integrating with lualine.nvim:

-- Lua
vim.g.gitblame_display_virtual_text = 0 -- Disable virtual text
local git_blame = require('gitblame')

    sections = {
            lualine_c = {
                { git_blame.get_current_blame_text, cond = git_blame.is_blame_text_available }

Changing the timeago-format language

The plugin uses lua-timeago for displaying commit dates in a relative time ago format. Take a look at the languages directory for a list of pre-installed languages. If you wish to use a language that's not built into lua-timeago, you can do that too; please consider opening a PR to lua-timeago if you choose to do so :)

To set a language, call the set_language method:

-- Lua
" Vimscript
:lua require('lua-timeago').set_language(require('lua-timeago/languages/hy'))

Thanks To

Contributors <3

Special kudos to Sam Bossley for maintaining the plugin! <3

Made with contrib.rocks.


If you enjoy the plugin and want to support what I do

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