
Pokemon game implementation

Primary LanguageJava

What does this tool do?

This repo contains code and examples for multiple strategies for managing a cluster of agents, pointing them to points of interest on a directed weighted graph.


  • SunJava/OpenJDK 12 or higher.
  • Unix based machine (optional).


First clone this repo. Then you can either run the jar in out/Ex2.jar or compile src/gameClient/Ex2.java Provide the jar your ID as the first argument and optionally the scenario ID as the second argument.

# git clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/yurig93/oop_ex2.git
$ cd oop_ex2

# run the jar
$ java -jar out/Ex2.jar 1234 1


Graph features

This repo contains an implementation for a directed weighted graph under src/api. It also contains a set of graph algorithms to be used found in DWGraph_Algo class.

  • Save / Load graph.
  • Check if graph is strongly connected using Tarjan's algorithm.
  • Find the shortest path between nodes (Dijkstra).
  • Calculate the weight between two nodes.

Game features

This repo contains a couple of strategy implementations which can be found at src/gameClient/strategy
Each strategy implements an interface IStrategy which helps the main game engine GameEngine to generate move commands for the agents.

  • BaseStrategy - Contains basic logic and serves as a skeleton. It does not contain move deciding logic.
  • SimpleStrategy - Aims to send the closest agent free to a pokemon (based on sum of edge weights).
  • HeatmapStrategy (Default) - Aims to spread the agents as best as it can across the whole map (avoids clustering) by setting heat borders (best effort). Falls back to SimpleStrategy if not possible.
  • MapDistanceStrategy - Aims to send the closest agent free to a pokemon based on XY positions instead of edge weight.

Visual features

The implementation visualizes the graph on the screen. It shows the moving agents and pokemons on the map along with additional metadata. It also contains controls for setting the scenario and the strategy. Gray dots are agents with their ID and score above. Green dots are non targeted pokemons. Red dots are targeted pokemons. If HeatmapStrategy is chosen, then it will also visualize the borders.

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