
Ansible role for autossh

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: autossh

Ansible Galaxy Badge

  • Installs autossh and systemd services to run it and keep SSH tunnels open.
  • Scans for host keys, to avoid host key checking prompts.

Forked from memiah/ansible-role-autossh to change targeted systems to Debian instead of RedHat.

We assume that the SSH user exists and has the correct permissions to access the remote server. A corresponding SSH key must also be present and available on the local server.

Role variables (default values)

  - id: "example" # Simple unique connection identifier (characters: "a-z,0-9,-").
    user: "" # Username used to connect to remote server.
    server: "" # IP / hostname of remote server.
    server_key_type: "" # Key type of the remote server, defaults to autossh_default_server_key_type. (Optional)
    local_port: "" # Local port to forward.
    dest_server: "" # IP / hostname to use on the remote server, defaults to autossh_default_dest_server. (Optional)
    dest_port: "" # Port on the remote server to connect to.
    identity_file: "" # Path to SSH private key, defaults to autossh_default_ssh_key_path. (Optional)

Add a set of SSH connection properties per connection. Multiple connections can be listed here.

autossh_path: "/usr/bin/autossh"

Path to autossh.

autossh_ssh_dir: "/root/.ssh"

Directory to store SSH configuration.

autossh_systemd_dir: "/etc/systemd/system/"

Path to systemd system dir.

autossh_known_hosts_file: "{{ autossh_ssh_dir }}/known_hosts"

Path to known hosts file.

autossh_default_server_key_type: "ecdsa"

Default key type of the remote server. Override this value for an single connection using the server_key_type option in the autossh_connections list.

autossh_default_dest_server: ""

Default IP / hostname to use on the remote server, this will most likely be localhost / Override this value for an single connection using the dest_server option in the autossh_connections list.

autossh_default_identity_file: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"

Path to file from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read. The default is /root/.ssh/id_rsa for protocol version 2. Override this value for an single connection using the identity_file option in the autossh_connections list.


Forward local port 33061 to port 3306 on db.example.com, connecting via SSH as backup@db.example.com.

- hosts: backup
      - id: mysql
        user: backup
        server: db.example.com
        local_port: '33061'
        dest_port: '3306'
    - role: yurihs.autossh
      become: true

This will create a new service named autossh-backup.service, which can be managed by systemctl:

systemctl status autossh-backup.service
systemctl restart autossh-backup.service


This role was created in 2016 by Memiah Limited.

Debian adaptation in 2019 by yurihs.