
A simple Keychain Access for iOS. Written in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


platform language language license

Convenient, beautiful and easy to use KeychainAccess, that written in Swift


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 9.0+
  • Swift 4.0+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods
  • Create Podfile into your Xcode project. Open up Terminalcd into your project's top-level directory → Run the following command:
$ pod init
  • Open up created Podfile.
$ open Podfile
  • In the Podfile that appears, specify. Instead of <Your Target Name>, enter your project's name :
platform :ios, ‘8.0

target '<Your Target Name>' do
	pod 'YFKeychainAccess'
  • Then, run the following command:
$ pod update
$ pod install
  • Finally, open your Xcode <Your Target Name>.xcworkspace.


import YFKeychainAccess


let keychain = YFKeychainAccess() // You can add 'keyPrefix' and 'options' to customize KeychainAccess

do {
    try keychain.set(value, forKey: "KEY") // You can add 'accessible' parameter too
    // 'set' function update item or creates a new one
} catch {
    // Handle error if necessary


let keychain = YFKeychainAccess() // You can add 'keyPrefix' and 'options' to customize KeychainAccess

do {
    let data = try keychain.data(forKey: "DATA_KEY")
    let string = try keychain.string(forKey: "STRING_KEY")
    let bool = try keychain.bool(forKey: "BOOL_KEY")
    let int = try keychain.(forKey: "INT_KEY")
    let float = try keychain.float(forKey: "FLOAT_KEY")
    let double = try keychain.double(forKey: "DOUBLE_KEY")
} catch {
    // Handle error if necessary


let keychain = YFKeychainAccess() // You can add 'keyPrefix' and 'options' to customize KeychainAccess

do {
    try keychin.delete(forKey: "KEY") // Delete one item for key
    try keychin.deleteAll() // Delete all item for this app
} catch {
    // Handle error if necessary


let keychain = YFKeychainAccess() // You can add 'keyPrefix' and 'options' to customize KeychainAccess

do {
    try keychin.contains(forKey: "KEY")
} catch {
    // Handle error if necessary


Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.