
study cases for algorithms

Primary LanguageC++


This repo contains most common algorithms and DS implementations. To execute implemented tasks please follow the instructions in wiki of this repo and main.cpp file. Current list:

Stack & Queue: stack_and_queue/

  1. Stack implemented with Linked List: stack_linked_list/
  2. Queue implemented with Linked List: queue_linked_list/
  3. Special Stack with getMin() method : special_stack/
  4. Stack implemented from a Queue: stack_queue/
  5. Queue implemented from a Stack: queue_stack/

Trees: trees/

  1. Heap: binary_heap/

  2. Binary Search Tree: 1. Depth traversal (with and InOrder without recursion) : bstTraversals.hpp

    • Pre-, In-, Post-order traversals using recursion
    • In-order traversal using Stack
    • In-order traversal without recursion or Stack - Morris traversal 2. Breadth traversal (using queue) : bstTraversals.hpp 3. Breadth traversal (using height of the tree) : bstTraversals.hpp 3. Search and findMin (for tree nad a subtree) : binarySearchTree.hpp 4. Insertion and Deletion : binarySearchTree.hpp 5. In-order Successor (2 methods) : bstInorderSuccessor.hpp 6. Non-related nodes in BST: nonRelativeNodes.hpp

    Given a pointer to the root of BST. Write a function that will return the max set of nodes that are not children or parents for each other. 7. Determine if two trees are equal: equalTrees.hpp 8. Lower Common Ancestor for two nodes in BST: lowerCommonAncestor.hpp (2 methods) 9. 2nd Largest Node in BST: TBD

  3. AVL tree balancing TBD

  4. Red-Black tree TBD

  5. Binary Search - set of tasks: binary_search/

Graphs: graphs/

  1. Warshall's Algorithm: warshall_floyd_algorithm/

    Build a Reachability Matrix for a given Adjacency Matrix.

  2. Floyd's Algorithm: warshall_floyd_algorithm/

    Build a Reachibility Matrix for a weighted graph Adjacency Matrix.

  3. Graph Representations: representations/

    1. Adjacency Matrix: adjacency_matrix/
    2. Adjacency Lists: adjacency_lists/
  4. Graph Traversals: traversals/

    1. Breadth First Search: breadth_first_search/
      • BFS using map
      • BFS using queue and vertex attributes
    2. Depth First Search: depth_first_search/
    3. BFS application tasks: bfs_application/
      • Finding a shortest path from a given node to a root of BST tree: a_shortest_path/
    4. DFS application tasks: dfs_application/
      • Edge Classification for (un-)directed Graphs: edge_classification/

        Define Tree, Backward, Forward (only directed) and Cross (only directed) Edges for (un-)directed Graph

      • Detecting and Removing cycles from (un-)directed Graph: detect_remove_cycle/

      • Topological Sort for DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph): topological_sort/

        A Topological sort of a DAG is a linear ordering of all vertices such that if Graph contains an edge(u, v), then u appears before v in ordering.

Dynamic Programming: dynamic_programming/

  1. Factorial and Fibonacci : factorial_fibonacci/

  2. Binomial Coefficient : binomial_coefficient/

  3. Pascal's Triangle: pascals_triangle/

    Given an index k, return the kth row of the Pascal's triangle.

  4. Jump Stairs task: stairs_hopper/

    A child is running up a staircase with n steps, and can hop either 1 step, 2 steps or 3 steps at a time. Implement a method to count how many possible ways the child can run up the stairs.

  5. Amount from given denominations: amount_with_coins/

    Write a function that, given: > * an amount of money > * a list of coin denominations

    computes the number of ways to make amount of money with coins of the available denominations.

  6. Knapsack problem (1-0) : knapsack_problem/

  7. Max Wealth problem : max_wealth_dp/

    Given Matrix of integers representing kg of gold at every mine. Write a function that will calculate the max welth that can be made. Acceptable moves are only right or down .

  8. Number of words: alphabetic_numbers/ - solution created can work with any inputs (0 in number)

    Given an mapped alphabet A=1, B=2, C=3 ...Z=26. Calculate how many words can you form from a given number.

  9. Find min for every window of given size in array : min_or_max_for_window/

    Given an array: [1, -2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10], window_size = 3. Output is [-2 -2 3 3 4 6 ].

    This task can also be solved using dequeue, but found elegant DP solution.

Arrays: arrays/

  1. Prices in Stock: stock_prices/

    Write an efficient function that takes stock_prices_yesterday and returns the best profit I could have made from 1 purchase and 1 sale of 1 Apple stock yesterday.

    Ex: stock_prices_yesterday = [10, 7, 5, 8, 11, 9], answer is 6

  2. Pairs: pairs/

    Given N integers, count the number of pairs of integers whose difference is K.

  3. Multiplication in Array: products_in_array/

    Given an array of integrs. Write a function that will return array of products of all numbers in a given array except itslef. Ex: [3,2,4,1] => [8, 12, 6, 24]

  4. Median in merged lists: merge_lists_median/

    Given two sorted array. Write a function that returns a median of merged array. Both arrays are of the same size

  5. Longest non-decreasing interval: non_decreasing_interval/

    Given an array of intergers. Write a funtion that returns an array of max length with non-decreasing elements from a given array

  6. Smallest subarray with sum greater than a given value: shortest_subarray_sum/

    Given Array:

    arr = [1, 4, 45, 6, 0, 19, 39]

    given number: num = 51 output -> length of shortest subarray with sum of elements > num.

  7. Find max subarray sum (Kadane's Algorithm) : TBD

    With variation of this task: Find a subarray with max sum of elements

  8. Count Distinct Elements in array: count_distinct_elements/

    Given a sorted array. Write a function that calculates all distinct absolute values in this array. Ex.:

    arr = [-3, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3]

    answer is 4 (0, 1, 2, 3)

  9. Complete Cycle in Array: index_cycle/

    Determine whether a circular array of relative indices is composed of a single, complete cycle. Ex.:

    arr = [3, 2, -1, 1] // 3 is pointing to 0+3 position -> 1, then 1 is pointion to the first on. Incomplete cycle

    [2, -1, -1] represents a correct Cycle.

Strings: strings/

  1. Substrings: substrings/

    Given a string. Write a function to return all substrings for a given string.

  2. All string permutations(without duplicates): string_permutations/

  3. All string permutations(with duplicates): TBD

  4. Single Char String: substring_with_k_chars/

    Given a string, find the length of the longest substring consisting of a single character.

  5. K distinct Chars String: substring_with_k_chars/

    Find the length of the longest substring consisting of at most k distinct characters.

  6. Reverse a sentence : sentence_reverse/

    You are given an array of characters arr, which consists of sequences of characters (words) separated by space characters. How can you most efficiently reverse the order of words in the sentence? For example:

    [ 'p', 'e', 'r', 'f', 'e', 'c', 't', '  ', 'm', 'a', 'k', 'e', 's', '  ', 'p', 'r', 'a', 'c', 't', 'i', 'c', 'e' ]
    would turn into:
    [ 'p', 'r', 'a', 'c', 't', 'i', 'c', 'e', '  ', 'm', 'a', 'k', 'e', 's', '  ', 'p', 'e', 'r', 'f', 'e', 'c', 't' ]
  7. Unpack a String: unpack_string/

    You are given a string of kind: {abc}3xyz . Write a function that will unpack a string and will return a result string that looks like: abcabcabcxyz

Bit Manipulations: bit_manipulations

  1. Find maximum between two numbers wihout using any comparison: max_without_comparison/
  2. Count number of 1s in binary representation of an integer: bits_in_integer/

Interesting tasks:

  1. Drone Flight Planning : drone_flight_planner/

    You are planning the amount of fuel need to complete a drone flight. To fly higher, the drone burns 1 liter of fuel per feet. However, flying lower charges the drone with the amount of energy equivalent to 1 liter of fuel for every feet. Flying sideways takes no energy (only flying up and down takes/charges energy).

    Given an array of 3D coordinates named route, find the minimal amount of fuel the drone would need to fly through this route. Explain and code the most efficient solution possible, with the minimal number of actions and variables.

    Example: Completing the route [{x:0, y:2, z:10}, {x:3, y:5, z:0}, {x:9, y:20, z:6}, {x:10, y:12, z:15}, {x:10, y:10, z:8}] requires a minimum of 5 liters of fuel.

  2. Find and Remove loop in Linked List: detect_remove_loop_linked_list/

  3. Template implementation of a Linked List: linked_list/

Sorting Algorithms: sorting/