
WordPress environment boilerplate for fast and easy start projects with docker containers, convenient credential settings, improved configuration

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Starter Kit Foundation

GitHub GitHub release (latest by date)

Starter Kit Foundation - is a WordPress environment boilerplate for fast and easy start projects with docker containers, convenient credential settings, improved configuration.

What's inside the containers

PHP MariaDB WordPress Nginx phpMyAdmin


  1. Docker Engine v20.10+
  2. Docker Compose v1.29+

How to use


  1. Create a new project directory1:
mkdir you-project.com && cd you-project.com
  1. Install Starter Kit Foundation:
git clone --depth=1 git@github.com:solidbunch/starter-kit-foundation.git . && rm -rf .git
  1. Generate secrets env file:
make secret
  1. Update environment variables in the ./config/environment/.env.main file. Change your App name, etc.

  2. Update ./config/environment/.env.type.dev|.env.type.stage|.env.type.prod - specific environment types for development, staging, and production. Change App domain variable to yours. You can add any new environment type. For example, an additional production server for the use of multiply instances of the app.

[1]: We recommend to use /srv folder instead /var/www. Create /srv/apps folder for your web apps. See FHS.

Launch 🚀

  1. Build the root .env file and run docker-compose:
make [t=<environment_type>] up

Where environment_type - any type that exist in ./config/environment/.env.type.*. dev is the default.


make up
make t=stage up
make t=prod up

Do not edit the automatically concatenated root .env file. It will be overwritten every time the app run.

After the installation, you can add your custom secrets 🔑 to .env.secret, but keep in mind that your secrets will not appear in the repository and will not be visible to other users. There is a ./sh/env/.env.secret.template file for this. It has a template of secrets, without secret data.

You can add secret variables names there without secret data, just for structure. A password generator will replace the special word generatethispass with the real password when you run make secret (bash sh/env/secret-gen.sh).

⚠️ WARNING 📣 Do not define secrets (private keys, passwords, tokens, etc.) in committed files, it's not secure!

Production Launch with HTTPS

  1. Put your certificate files in ./config/nginx/ssl/ with names <your-app-domain.com>.crt and <your-app-domain.com>.key
  2. Change var APP_PROTOCOL=https in your .env.type.[environment_type]
  3. Start containers with http > https redirect:
make up-prod

The configuration file /config/nginx/templates/partials/https.conf.template will be used instead of /config/nginx/templates/partials/http.conf.template

Makefile commands

  • make secret
  • make [t=<environment_type>] [s=<command>] up
  • make [t=<environment_type>] [s=<command>] upd
  • make [s=<command>] up-prod - production launch with http > https redirect
  • make down - docker-compose down -v
  • make start - docker-compose start
  • make stop - docker-compose stop
  • make pause - docker-compose pause
  • make pma-up
  • make pma-down


wp-content - docker mounted WordPress wp-content folder, it's your working directory. Add plugins and custom theme here.

backups/                  # Daily and weekly WordPress media and database backups 
config/                   # Global config files
db-data/                  # Database docker mounted volume
docker/                   # Docker images (Dockerfiles) and additional scripts
logs/                     # System and wordpress logs
sh/                       # Bash scripts
├── env/                  # Operations with environment files 
└── utils/                # Additional bash utils
wp-content/               # Docker mounted volume, WordPress wp-content folder
├── mu-plugins/           # Must use plugins
├── plugins/              # Plugins folder. Add your plugins here
├── themes/               # Themes folder. Add your theme here
│   └── twenty*/          # Standard themes added to .gitignore
├── .../                  # Everything else in the wp-content folder is gitignored
└── uploads/              # Media uploads folder. All subfolders content is gitignored
wp-core/                  # WordPress core files, docker mounted volume. Gitignored

Do not edit files in the wp-core folder, it builds automatically.

Sending emails

Docker containers do not have a custom SMTP server. We use an SMTP relay service. You can set up an SMTP server like Gmail, AWS, Sendinblue, Mailgun, etc, or use another server you like.

Just edit sSMTP config block in your .env.secret file.

sSMTP config files ./docker/wordpress/config/ssmtp.conf.template and ./docker/wordpress/config/revaliases.template automatically loaded into the WordPress container

See an example of ssmtp.conf

Database management

SSH tunnel options

You can use an SSH tunnel to connect to database from an external app (for example MySQL Workbench, HeidiSQL or PHPStorm)

  1. Uncomment ports directive in database service in docker-compose.yml
  1. Edit the .env.main file, find SSH_TUNNEL_EXT_PORT - make sure that the port is unique. If you are using multiple instances, change the port value.

  2. Open your database management app and configure SSH tunnel, database connection

phpMyadmin options

To use phpMyadmin need to run the phpMyadmin container first. It's not running by default.

  1. Edit the .env.main file, find PMA_EXT_PORT - make sure that the port is unique. If you are using multiple instances, change the port value.

  2. Run phpMyadmin container:

make pma-up
  1. Open the your-app-domain.com:PMA_EXT_PORT URL in the browser to access phpMyadmin. For example, we use PMA_EXT_PORT=8801. Open your-app-domain.com:8801

⚠️ WARNING 📣 Do not use phpMyadmin on public (production or open stage), it's not secure!

To stop the phpMyadmin container run command:

make pma-down

Additional scripts

Automatic backups

The system has automatic backups. Launched by a cronjob. By default, daily and weekly backups work. With a retention period of 7 and 31 days, respectively. You can customize the frequency and content of backups yourself.

To activate backups:

  1. Edit ./config/environment/.env.type.[environment_type] file - enable APP_WP_BACKUP_ENABLE

  2. Check crontab file in ./config/crontabs - change cronjob time if it needs.

  3. If you have more than one database (maybe custom databases), check mysqldump command parameters in ./docker/cron/start-backup.sh

Backups will appear in the ./backups folder, logs in the docker cron container logs


Contributions are welcome from everyone. Developing with ❤️.