
Simple rating web site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Here is simple rating application to create event-based rating list.

NOTICE: simple rating is a single-admin application; so there will be undefined behaviour in case of editing something simultaneously even if in some cases it will work OK.

Installation and usage

To launch application you need nodejs, npm, mongodb server and some static server (I prefer using nginx, but it's completely free to select) installed. Setup your static files server to server /static/ dir of the project as /static/ and proxy other request to the application server (you should specify port in settings.json as well as other settings). Your proxy should support WebSockets.

Next you should execute in the application directory.

$ npm install && cd static && bower install && cd ..
$ node app.js

That's all.

Default password is "beacon", but you may change it by changing bcrypt hash in settings.json.

Generating new bcrypt hash

You should execute this in the application directory after performing "npm install".

$ node
> require('bcrypt').hashSync('your password here', 8)