
A Supervised and Semi-Supervised Object Detection Library for YOLO Series

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Efficient Teacher

English | 简体中文


Efficient Teacher is created by the Alibaba and used for tuning of both supervised and semi-supervised object detection(SSOD) algorithms.For more details, please refer to our paper.

Based on the YOLOv5 open source project, Efficient Teacher uses YACS and the latest network design to restructure key modules, so that it can achieve supervised and semi-supervised training for YOLOv5, YOLOX, YOLOv6, YOLOv7, and YOLOv8 using a single algorithm library.

Why Efficient Teacher

efficient_teacher efficient_teacher_2 efficient_teacher_3 If you encounter difficulties due to domain differences between training data and actual deployment scenarios, high cost of business scenario data reflux, and high cost of labeling specific categories:

  • Efficient Teacher introduces semi-supervised object detection into practical applications, enabling users to obtain a strong generalization capability with only a small amount of labeled data and large amount of unlabeled data.
  • Efficient Teacher provides category and custom uniform sampling, which can quickly improve the network performance in actual business scenarios.

If you are already familiar with the YOLOv5 open-source framework and have your own modified algorithm library (which is quite common in the development process of an applied algorithms engineer):

  • You can use the convert_pt_to_efficient.py script to convert YOLOv5 weights to Efficient weights
  • You can use the existing datasets and annotations tailored specifically for YOLOv5 without any format adjustment
  • With a simple modification of the YAML configuration file, you can convert the training network from YOLOv5 to YOLOX/YOLOv6/YOLOv7/YOLOv8 with the same verification indicators as YOLOv5, making it easier to understand whether the new network structure is really effective for your task.

Below are the results of the YOLOv5l trained using Efficient Teacher. We did not make any modicications to the YOLOv5l structure, but instead designed some training modules to help the network generate pseudo-labels for unlabeled data and learn effective information from these pseudo-labels. Efficient Teacher can improve the mAPval of standard YOLOv5l from 49.00 to 50.45 using unlabeled data on the COCO dataset.

MS-COCO SSOD additional

Model Dataset size
@640 (G)
train2017 640 49.00 6.2 46.56 109.59
Efficient Teacher
train2017 + unlabeled2017 640 50.45 6.2 46.56 109.59

MS-COCO SSOD standard

Model Dataset size
@640 (G)
1% labeled 640 9.91 6.2 46.56 109.59
Efficient Teacher
1% labeled 640 23.8 6.2 46.56 109.59
2% labeled 640 14.01 6.2 46.56 109.59
Efficient Teacher
2% labeled 640 28.7 6.2 46.56 109.59
5% labeled 640 23.75 6.2 46.56 109.59
Efficient Teacher
5% labeled 640 34.1 6.2 46.56 109.59
10% labeled 640 28.45 6.2 46.56 109.59
Efficient Teacher
10% labeled 640 37.9 6.2 46.56 109.59

We also provide variouss solutions implemented with supervised training. Below are the performance results of various detectors trained using the current library.


Model size


@640 (G)
Nanodetm 320 20.2 33.4 47.8 33.7 0.6 0.9593 0.730
YOLOv5n 320 20.5 34.6 49.8 33.3 0.4 1.87 1.12
YOLOXn 320 24.2 38.4 55.7 36.5 0.5 2.02 1.39
YOLOv6n RepOpt TAL 640 34.4 49.3 61.1 45.8 0.9 4.34 11.26
YOLOv5s ReLU 640 36.0 54.2 66.4 50.0 1.6 7.2 16.5
YOLOv5s 640 37.4 56.8 68.1 50.9 1.6 7.2 16.5
YOLOXs 640 39.7 59.6 65.2 56.0 1.7 8.04 21.42
YOLOv6t RepOpt TAL 640 40.3 56.5 68.9 50.5 1.7 9.72 25.11
YOLOv6s RepOpt 640 41.7 60.2 66.9 56.3 1.9 17.22 44.25
YOLOv6s RepOpt TAL 640 42.1 58.6 69.1 52.5 1.9 17.22 44.25
YOLOv6s 640 42.2 60.2 67.9 56.3 1.9 17.22 44.25
YOLOv7s 640 43.1 60.1 69.6 55.3 2.3 8.66 23.69
YOLOv7s SimOTA 640 44.5 62.5 71.8 56.5 2.4 9.47 28.48
YOLOv5l 640 49.0 66.1 74.2 61 6.2 46.56 109.59
YOLOv7 640 51.5 69.1 72.6 63.5 6.8 37.62 106.47

Reproduce the COCO SSOD experimental results.

  • First, you need to download the images and labels of the COCO dataset and process them into the default format of YOLOv5 (which should be familiar to you).

    bash data/get_coco.sh
  • Organize downloaded pictures and annotation files in the following format.

      ├── data
      └── datasets
          └── coco  ← downloads here (20.1 GB)
               └── images
               └── labels
  • download train/val dataset list:

    bash data/get_label.sh
  • replace the "local_path" with your local path of the EfficientTeacher folder.

    sed -i "s#local_path#$CUR_PATH#" data/coco/train2017*.txt
    sed -i "s#local_path#$CUR_PATH#" data/coco/val2017.txt
  • If you don't have your own GPU open container environment, we recommend using the official container environment of Modelscope. We have verified all training and inference code in this environment.

    docker run registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/modelscope-repo/modelscope:ubuntu20.04-cuda11.3.0-py37-torch1.11.0-tf1.15.5-1.3.0
  • COCO 10% labeled SSOD training

    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 --master_addr --master_port 29502 train.py --cfg configs/ssod/coco-standard/yolov5l_coco_ssod_10_percent.yaml 

Using Efficient Teacher in Your Project!

From supervised to SSOD Training

Before we proceed with semi-supervised training, we need you to convert your own model trained with the YOLOv5 open source framework into a format that we can recognize. If you are using version 6.0 or later, the process is very fast and can be completed in five minutes:

  1. Convert Model
  • First, you need to write a yaml file. You can directly modify the file configs/custom/yolov5l_custom.yaml. If your model is yolov5l, then you only need to modify the nc in Dataset to the number of your detection classes and then modify the names. If your model is other depth and width configurations, then modify the depth_multiple and width_multiple to the corresponding configurations.
  • After having this yaml file, go to the scripts folder to modify the convert_pt_to_efficient.py, fill in your business model pt, yaml, and the exported pt file.
  • OK, you have already converted your pt file into a version that our algorithm library can recognize. Don't worry, if you need to export the model to onnx or export it back to your own YOLOv5 algorithm library, we also provide corresponding scripts.
  1. Validation
  • This step is to verify that the converted model still maintains the corresponding accuracy and recall on your validation set, so we hope you use the following script to verify the current model again, so that you also have a semi-supervised object detection baseline, in order to confirm that Efficient Teacher really works on your dataset.

  • modify the val: data/custom_val.txt in yolov5l_custom.yaml into your own validation set path, then run the following code:

    python val.py --cfg configs/sup/custom/yolov5l_custom.yaml --weights efficient-yolov5l.pt 
  • if you modify the file read path, you will need to add the corresponding modifications in the utils/dataloader.py file, just like you did when you modified the code for YOLOv5.

  1. Supervised Training(Optional)
  • modify the train: data/custom_train.txt in yolov5l_custom.yaml, and then enter the following script.
    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 --master_addr --master_port 29502 train.py --cfg configs/sup/custom/yolov5l_custom.yaml 
  1. SSOD Training
  • modify the train: data/custom_train.txt in yolov5l_custom.yaml, creat an unlabeled data image list using following command:
    find <unlabel_path> -name "*.jpg" >> unlabel.txt
  • change the target: data_custom_target.txt to target:unlabel.txt in yolov5l_custom.yaml, and psate the following config into yolov5l_custom.yaml:
      train_domain: True
      nms_conf_thres: 0.1
      nms_iou_thres: 0.65
      teacher_loss_weight: 1.0
      cls_loss_weight: 0.3
      box_loss_weight: 0.05
      obj_loss_weight: 0.7
      loss_type: 'ComputeStudentMatchLoss'
      ignore_thres_low: 0.1
      ignore_thres_high: 0.6
      uncertain_aug: True
      use_ota: False
      multi_label: False
      ignore_obj: False
      pseudo_label_with_obj: True
      pseudo_label_with_bbox: True
      pseudo_label_with_cls: False
      with_da_loss: False
      da_loss_weights: 0.01
      epoch_adaptor: True
      resample_high_percent: 0.25
      resample_low_percent: 0.99
      ema_rate: 0.999
      cosine_ema: True
      imitate_teacher: False
        with_gt: False
        mosaic: 1.0
        cutout: 0.5
        autoaugment: 0.5
        scale: 0.8
        degrees: 0.0
        shear: 0.0
  • you have now completed a re-write yaml file for a SSOD training, enter the following script:
    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 --master_addr --master_port 29502 train.py --cfg configs/sup/custom/yolov5l_custom.yaml 
Start SSOD Training derectly We have verified the Efficient Teacher in many actual projects, so we do not recommend directly starting semi-supervised object detection, since the score threshold for generating pseudo labels and the NMS threshold are directly related to the detection task. The COCO version hyper-parameters provided by us may not necessarily be suitable for your specific project. For example, if you are conducting single-class detection, then we suggest that the NMS threshold during pseudo label generation be reduced as much as possible, so that a large number of overlapping pseudo labels will not be generated.
  1. Edit your semi-supervised training task according to configs/ssod/custom/yolov5l_custom_ssod.yaml, where the train/val/test in the Dataset should be filled in according to your project's original txt, and the target needs you to index an unlabeled dataset that you expect. We suggest using the images of the COCO train dataset, and a unlabeled dataset can be generated by entering "find img_dir -name "*.jpg" >> target_img.txt".

  2. rewrite nc and names in yaml according to your individual tasks.

  3. train SSOD model from scratch, the default setting is to first conduct a 220-epoch burn-in training, and then enter the SSOD training, which has been introduced in our paper.

    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 --master_addr --master_port 29502 train.py --cfg configs/ssod/custom/yolov5l_custom_ssod.yaml 
  4. validation SSOD model

    python val.py --cfg configs/ssod/custom/yolov5l_custom_ssod.yaml --weights ssod-yolov5l.pt  --val-ssod

Citing Efficient Teacher

  title={Efficient Teacher: Semi-Supervised Object Detection for YOLOv5},
  author={Xu, Bowen and Chen, Mingtao and Guan, Wenlong and Hu, Lulu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.07577},


efficientteacher is developed by Alibaba and based on the yolov5 program. Code is distributed under the GPL3.0. This product contains various third-party components under other open source licenses. See the NOTICE file for more information.

  1. https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2
  2. https://github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOX
  3. https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
  4. https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection
  5. https://github.com/Bobo-y/flexible-yolov5
  6. https://github.com/Nioolek/PPYOLOE_pytorch
  7. https://github.com/meituan/YOLOv6
  8. https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics