Newest York Times Feed

standard-readme compliant

Landing Page

:octocat: Getting Started

This project was made focusing on the architecture of high scalable projects. The App itself is small but is 100% ready to get as big as possible

✔️ Styled-Components

✔️ Webpack

✔️ Dynamic Routes

✔️ React@16

✔️ i18n dynamic dictionary ready for languages, from now only english 🌐

✔️ High Scale Svg Icons Workflow

✔️ Reusable High scale Modal

✔️ Babel@7

✔️ Cross-Browser Solution! (even for MS Edge)

Made with ❤️ and Redux-zero.

🔥 Why Redux-zero as a state manager?

Redux-zero is a lightweight state container based on Redux. I would like to share 3 arguments to choose redux-zero over redux.

  1. Is lighter(less than 1kb) than redux and in projects that are not necessarily high usage of reducers, it helps to focus on what is important.
  2. I participated in the conception of this lib, made mostly by an ex-coworker.
  3. I'm currently focusing my career in leadership and share knowledge that I've learned across these years, so would be an honor gives a presentation about this amazing library.

More about Redux-zero here

☁️ Installation

Makefiles aren't Windows friendly, if you have minGW64 and whole environment to run the makefile(Unix/macOS) do this:

make installation
make build
make start-server
access http://localhost:3000/nyttop
navigate through menu links at the header

If you don't have makefile enviroment ready, do this instead :

npm install or yarn install
npm run build
npm run start:server
access http://localhost:3000/nyttop
navigate through menu links at the header

Requires node >= 8.9.3

development env?

npm install or yarn install
npm run dev
access http://localhost:3000/nyttop
navigate through menu links at the header


  • % stmts = 78.9%

  • % Branch = 73.26%

  • % funcs = 74.4%

  • % Lines = 79.53%

  • Average ~= 76.5%

🐳 Docker Container

docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 gemyny/nytintothefeed


Release 0.1 (current) - First release of the app

Release 0.2 - Refining UI/UX

Release 0.3 - Improvements in mobile devices screens

Release 0.4 - Enable full navigation through main page ("/nyttop")

Release 0.5 - Enable support for 2 languages(english and spanish)

❗ Credits

Yuri Ramos

📜 License