
SPA that creates and list your transactions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


standard-readme compliant

🐙 Getting Started

This project was made focusing on the flat architecture for high scalable projects. The App itself is small but is 100% ready to get as big as possible

✔️ Styled-Components

✔️ Dynamic Routes

✔️ LocalStorage to save your recent transactions even when the browser is closed

✔️ Responsive SPA (Minimum resolution: 450px)

✔️ React@16

✔️ High Scale Svg Icons Workflow

✔️ Cross-Browser Solution! (even for MS Edge)

Made with ❤️ and Redux-zero.

☁️ Installation

Makefiles aren't Windows friendly, if you have minGW64 and whole environment to run the makefile(Unix/macOS) do this:

make installation
make start
access http://localhost:3000/dashboard

If you don't have makefile enviroment ready, do this instead :

npm install or yarn install
npm run start
access http://localhost:3000/dashboard

Requires node >= 8.9.3

Why Redux-zero as a state manager?

Redux-zero is a lightweight state container based on Redux. I would like to share 3 arguments to choose redux-zero over redux.

  1. Is lighter(less than 1kb) than redux and in projects that are not necessarily high usage of reducers, it helps to focus on what is important.
  2. I participated in the conception of this lib, made mostly by an ex-coworker.
  3. I'm currently focusing my career in leadership and share knowledge that I've learned across these years, so would be an honor gives a presentation about this amazing library.

More about Redux-zero here


As required in the challenge the focus was in the UI itself and the 3 Features, to make things easier and to avoid unnecessary work wasn't made any kind of unit tests in this project, just a few snapshots tests, but after that, I decided to remove the jest environment.

Basically, the manual tests made in this project was about the user filling each input if the user didn't fill all fields the transaction will not be created

💷 AvailableBalance Feature

  1. The money will be withdrawn when you choose the type of transaction debit if you choose credit instead the money will credited to your account.

  2. The application allows negative amount of money.


Release 0.1 (current) - First release of the app

Release 0.2 - Unit, e2e tests and more accurate validation according project Definition of Done

Release 0.3 - Improvements in mobile devices resolutions

Release 0.4 - Improvements in UX and transistions

❗ Credits

Yuri Ramos

📜 License



Want to help? Submit a PR named Feat/MyFeature or Fix/MyFix, and create DECISIONS.MD explaining your technical solutions