
From root to bud, the life of a tree.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Branched is a Fabric mod for Minecraft that works as an add-on for Lush, adding trunk, branch, and twig blocks (and their stripped versions) for every species to give you more realistic trees. No longer does every tree just have a boring thick trunk!


To build from source you will need have JDK 17 to compile and, optionally, Git to clone the repository. Otherwise, download the archive and just run ./gradlew build from the root project folder.

When using Git, just choose a directory you wish to keep the project root folder in, decide which branch you wish to compile, and then run these commands:

git clone --branch <branch> --recursive https://github.com/yurisuika/branched.git

cd ./branched

./gradlew build

Afterwards, your compiled JAR will be in ./build/libs.


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