
Dummy EPG xml Generator

Primary LanguageShell

Dummy EPG xml Generator

This bash Script Creates a dummy epg for use with channels that always have the same program

  • You can add as many channels as you want, by adding more channel variables.
  • The Dummy will, by default, generate programs for the next 2 days, with intervals of 6 hours between programs.

How To Run:

  • Fix the variables as you like
  • go to the folder and execute the script ./dummycreator.sh
  • You can automatically run it using a cron job. The example bellow runs it every day at midnight:
0 0 * * * /bin/bash /file/location/dummycreator.sh
  • After you are done, you can use a tool such as xmltv to merge it into your regular epg
tv_merge -i dummy.xml -m yourepg.xml -o merged.xml