
a Ruby wrapper for the Fyber Wall API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This gem wraps over the Fyber Offer Wall API and provides you with a simple way to query the offers from your Ruby app.

The FyberApiWrapper will hide all the gritty details like compression, request signing and server response signature checks from you, so you can just concentrate on querying the API.

For now, although you can set some other format, only JSON will be parsed correctly.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fyber_api_wrapper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fyber_api_wrapper


FyberApiWrapper has been tested against MRI 2.0, 2.1.1, and 1.9.3 . Other versions should work but use them at your own risk.


The Fyber API requires a few parameters to be set, namely:

  • appid
  • format
  • device_id
  • locale
  • ip
  • offer_types
  • api_key

In your app, configure the FyberApiWrapper and supply those parameters:

  require 'fyber_api_wrapper'

  FyberApiWrapper.configure do |config|
    config.format = :json
    config.appid = 123
    config.device_id = '"your device ID"' # MIND THE QUOTES. device ID has quotes.
    config.ip = ""
    config.offer_types = [112]
    config.api_key = "your-api-key"

NOTE: Since the api_key is confidential, treat it accordingly. For example, use environment variables, do not put it on github for everyone to see.

Performing requests and processing request results

Having configured the gem, you can make requests and obtain offers:

  require 'fyber_api_wrapper'
  # assuming you've configured the gem
  params = { :uid => "luc", :pub0 => "campaign1", :page => "1" }
  # use the shortcut. 
  # you could also do:
  # Request::Offer.new(params).get

  offers = FyberApiWrapper.get_offers(params)

  # get the offer info
  puts offers.count                           # 30
  puts offers.code                            # "OK"

  # meta inf
  puts offers.information.app_name            # "Demo iframe for publisher - do not touch"
  puts offers.information.virtual_currency    # "Coins"

  offer = offers[0]                           # FyberApiWrapper::Response::Offer
  puts offer.title                            # "Connect - Social Map & Address Book"
  puts offer.link                             # "http://api.sponsorpay.com/bd744b22cc10f7a3b13d5d661cbd9ba5/fb707b4efdaa5b5f/mobile/DE/157/offers/275789"

  # offer types for this offer
  puts offer.offer_types.first.offer_type_id  # 101
  puts offer.offer_types.first.readable       # "Download"

  # time to payout for this offer
  puts offer.time_to_payout.amount            # 3300
  puts offer.time_to_payout.readable          # "1 hour"

  # thumbnails
  puts offer.thumbnail.lowres                 # "http://cdn1.sponsorpay.com/app_icons/20264/small_mobile_icon.png"
  puts offer.thumbnail.hires                  # "http://cdn1.sponsorpay.com/app_icons/20264/big_mobile_icon.png"

  # iterate over the offer items provided by the offers collection
  offers.each do |offer|
    puts offer.title

Error handling

The FyberAPIWrapper will raise exceptions in the following cases:

  • a 401 Unauthorized response will cause the FyberApiWrapper::NotAuthorizedError to be raised. The most likely cause of that is forgetting to configure the api_key ;
  • a 400 Bad Request response will cause the FyberApiWrapper::BadRequestError to be raised. This occurs if you forget to specify parameters such as appid and device_id, or simply requesting a page that does not exist;
  • all the other HTTP error code will trigger the FyberApiWrapper::HTTPError exception.


Q: I did everything as described and I'm getting "NoMethodError: undefined method `appid' for nil:NilClass" when trying to execute FyberApiWrapper.get_offers(params)

A: You must have forgotten to configure the FyberApiWrapper. See Configuration above


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/yurivm/fyber_api_wrapper/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request