WordPress for Platform.sh - updated

Deploy on Platform.sh

This template builds WordPress on Platform.sh using the johnbolch/wordpress "Composer Fork" of WordPress. Plugins and themes should be managed with Composer exclusively. A custom configuration file is provided that runs on Platform.sh to automatically configure the database, so the installer will not ask you for database credentials. For local-only configuration you can use a wp-config-local.php file that gets excluded from Git.

WordPress is a blogging and lightweight CMS written in PHP.


  • PHP 7.4
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build


  1. Run through the WordPress installer as normal. You will not be asked for database credentials as those are already provided.

  2. This example looks for an optional wp-config-local.php in the project root that you can use to develop locally. This file is ignored in Git.

Example wp-config-local.php:


define('WP_HOME', "http://localhost");
define('DB_NAME', "my_wordpress");
define('DB_USER', "user");
define('DB_PASSWORD', "a strong password");
define('DB_HOST', "");
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
define('DB_COLLATE', '');

// These will be set automatically on Platform.sh to a different value, but that won't cause issues.
define('NONCE_KEY', 'NONCE_SALT');


The following changes have been made relative to WordPress as it is downloaded from WordPress.org. If using this project as a reference for your own existing project, replicate the changes below to your project.

  • It uses the johnbolch/wordpress "Composer Fork" of WordPress, which allow the site to be managed entirely with Composer.
  • The .platform.app.yaml, .platform/services.yaml, and .platform/routes.yaml files have been added. These provide Platform.sh-specific configuration and are present in all projects on Platform.sh. You may customize them as you see fit.
  • An additional Composer library, platformsh/config-reader, has been added. It provides convenience wrappers for accessing the Platform.sh environment variables.
  • The wp-config.php file has been modified to use the Config Reader to configure WordPress based on Platform.sh environment variables if present. If not, your own wp-config-local.php file will be loaded to configure the site for local development.
  • The upstream composer.json file has been modified to include the script movewpconfig. It moves wp-config.php into the default install directory and docroot wordpress after composer install is run.
