
This is an L-system generator plug-in I created in Autodesk 3ds Max for the Procedural Modelling for Games course. Its function is to generate random trees/plants based on the seed that it is given and the options that are selected. You can change the texture, min/max branch bending, number of iterations, branch thickness, and the type of leaf you want. Every time you generate a tree, it’s always unique. This can make some really interesting and weird looking trees. By far my favorite assignment I got work on while at school.

Primary LanguageMAXScript


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  • Tree color - The color to use when not using the texture
  • Textured - Whether to texture the tree or not
  • Leaf color - The color to use when not using the texture
  • Leafs - Whether to use leafs or not (must have selected a leaf before generating)
  • Initial String - The seed to use for the L-System
  • F Grammer - Grammer rule 1
  • B Grammer - Grammer rule 2
  • Min Bend Angle - Minimum angle that each branch can bend
  • Max Bend Angle - Maximum angle that each branch can bend
  • Segment Length - The length of each branch
  • Iterations - Howmany times the L-System is going to iterate with the grammer
  • Base Radius - The radius size of the stump

The source files are in the src folder.

You'll need Autodesk 3ds Max to run this script. Simply open it and compile (Ctrl-E)

Some Examples