
A last.fm API client for Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure


This is a very simple and concise last.fm API client. It has a very straightforward interface to interacting with the last.fm APIs, including some simple helper functions for the desktop oauth flow.


Add a dependency for least:

:dependencies [[me.raynes/least "0.1.3"]]

Maps have been pretty printed for readability.

First of all, require it!

user> (require '[me.raynes.least :as least])

Now let's make a simple request. Let's see what I've been listening to.

user> (least/read "user.getRecentTracks" "REDACTED" {:limit 2 :user "RaynesFM"})
    {:text "Fall Out Boy",
     :mbid "516cef4d-0718-4007-9939-f9b38af3f784"},
    :name "The Phoenix",
    :streamable "0",
    :mbid "36b02c04-bf13-4d65-ba48-e00dab4a7453",
    {:text "Save Rock And Roll",
     :mbid "56227792-5344-41a0-ab74-ba7608b505eb"},
    :url "http://www.last.fm/music/Fall+Out+Boy/_/The+Phoenix",
    [{:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/34s/87829405.png",
      :size "small"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64s/87829405.png",
      :size "medium"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/87829405.png",
      :size "large"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/300x300/87829405.png",
      :size "extralarge"}],
    :attr {:nowplaying "true"}}
    {:text "Neon Trees",
     :mbid "16243662-8538-4746-a0fb-0d15b5828b8e"},
    :name "Hooray for Hollywood",
    :streamable "1",
    :mbid "367ad558-478c-43dc-a175-aae826edad51",
    {:text "Picture Show",
    :url "http://www.last.fm/music/Neon+Trees/_/Hooray+for+Hollywood",
    [{:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/34s/76690558.png",
      :size "small"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64s/76690558.png",
      :size "medium"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/76690558.png",
      :size "large"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/300x300/76690558.png",
      :size "extralarge"}],
    :date {:text "18 Apr 2013, 06:02", :uts "1366264961"}}
    {:text "Neon Trees",
     :mbid "16243662-8538-4746-a0fb-0d15b5828b8e"},
    :name "Close to You",
    :streamable "1",
    :mbid "e043a3d8-ce1e-4f7f-ab0e-9d99f231e93c",
    {:text "Picture Show",
     :mbid "b660188a-4cef-46fa-80f4-58b8bdb4bfc9"},
    :url "http://www.last.fm/music/Neon+Trees/_/Close+to+You",
    [{:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/34s/76690558.png",
      :size "small"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.la
      :size "medium"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/76690558.png",
      :size "large"}
     {:text "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/300x300/76690558.png",
      :size "extralarge"}],
    :date {:text "18 Apr 2013, 05:57", :uts "1366264654"}}],
  {:user "RaynesFM",
   :page "1",
   :perPage "2",
   :totalPages "7275",
   :total "14549"}}}

Correct! I'm listening to The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. Right before that I was listening to a Neon Trees album.

All of the API calls are executed with either read or write. The former is for GET requests and the latter for POSTs. The 'foo.bar' string is the method we're calling. All of the API methods are listed on the last.fm API site.

Most things don't require authentication on last.fm, but some things do. I've written two simple functions in me.raynes.least.authorize to help you authenticate users in a desktop application. Here is how that works:

user> (require '[me.raynes.least.authorize :as auth])
user> (def token (auth/get-token "REDACTED API KEY" "REDACTED SECRET"))
user> token
{:url "http://www.last.fm/api/auth/?api_key=REDACTED&token=REDACTED", :token "REDACTED AUTH TOKEN"}

At this point, your user should go to this URL where he will authenticate the application. You should make him give you some indication that he has finished. After that, do this:

user> (def session (auth/get-session "REDACTED API KEY" "REDACTED SECRET" (:token token)))
user> session
{:name "RaynesFM", :key "REDACTED SESSION KEY", :subscriber "0"}

Boom, there you have it. Authenticated. Now you're gonna want to save that API key. You can pass it to API calls requiring authentication along with your secret. Your secret is not necessary for API calls that do not require authentication, but it is required for ones that do. Here is an example. I really like The Phoenix, the song by Fall Out Boy. In fact, you could say I love it! Let's tell last.fm about this discovery:

user> (least/write "track.love" "REDACTED" {:secret "REDACTED" :sk (:key session) :track "The Phoenix" :artist "Fall Out Boy"})
{:status "ok"}

Now last.fm knows how much I love this particular Fall Out Boy song. Pretty great, huh?

For full last.fm API documentation, take a look at their API documentation site.


Copyright © 2013 Anthony Grimes

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.